The hard question: Is it time to euthanize?


May 24, 2020
Pittsburgh, PA
My Coop
My Coop
I know this is a deeply personal topic.

There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to euthanasia.

With that being said… I’m struggling with this immensely as it will be my first and the hen is one of my favorites.

We’ve done absolutely everything (vet visits, implants, syringe fed for awhile)

Her abdomen is extremely swollen and hard, leading us to think she likely has cancer. She’s back to eating but the swelling has caused her to very much slow down, although she can still walk. She has difficulty getting on the roost so we lowered it. Her poo is still mostly diarrhea as it has been for several months now. We implanted her several weeks ago hoping to stop the swelling and her comb has started to flop over.

She just started making a clicking noise when she’s breathing. Strangely, she also started honking when she drinks water. She seems to be breathing heavier than normal but she’s not open mouth breathing.

We’re scheduled to leave for a week this Friday. I’m concerned leaving her and her health decline and her suffer needlessly while we’re gone. My husband seems to want to wait since she’s eating, moving around albeit slowly, still alarm calls at birds overhead.

I understand her death is inevitably approaching. But making this decision has been incredibly difficult; these girls are my babies.

I guess I would like to hear other peoples thoughts on what they might do? Maybe some words of encouragement. But Please be kind.
Rephrase the question: "Am I willing to let this animal continue suffering and die a slow, possibly painful death because I feel that I, an observer, can't handle their death?"
It's would be best to put her down before you leave, you don't want her waiting for you to get back if she gets worse or that unhappy chore fall on someone else.
Oh friend, my heart aches for you. I am so very sorry that you have to go through this. :hugs😢 You have given this hen a wonderful life, giving her all the love and care that she could ask for. And you have done everything you could. It may be time to make that last act of love, and end her suffering.My Heart goes out to you, and please take comfort in Remembering that you where an amazing chicken mom to this hen.
My personal philosophy is that I would rather do it a week to soon than an hour too late. When death is inevitable, reduction of suffering is the goal. If you were to be there to monitor her, waiting would not be bad. But since you won't, maybe it is time. It is always such a hard choice, and my heart goes out to you.:hugs
thank you so much... this is so true.
Oh friend, my heart aches for you. I am so very sorry that you have to go through this. :hugs😢 You have given this hen a wonderful life, giving her all the love and care that she could ask for. And you have done everything you could. It may be time to make that last act of love, and end her suffering.My Heart goes out to you, and please take comfort in Remembering that you where an amazing chicken mom to this hen.
thank you so much for the kind words and support<3

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