The Haunted Forest RPG

(Okay guys, I have to go now. But if you want to interact with my characters (Amica or Avenir), you can, and just wait for me to reply. But don't control them or anything!)
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Amariea,walked tro the woods,and a wear wolf attacked her,she hit him with her sword,but he won't go away," me!!"she screams as the wolf covers her mouth
Amariea,walked tro the woods,and a wear wolf attacked her,she hit him with her sword,but he won't go away," me!!"she screams as the wolf covers her mouth
Elle wakes with a start. She jumps up, her heart pounding. She looks around for her sword, grabs it and stumbles to her feet. "Who's there?!" She shouts, her voice trembling.
Lilith spots a female being assaulted in the woods with her keen eyesight. She notches one of her silver tipped arrows and let's fly, nailing him in the chest.
( hello. I have Slygotha, a broodmother poison dragoness, Zahir, a misogynist and sadomasochistic mercenary Slytherin, Lilith, a young(ish) vampire archer whose whole clan is killed by Xylo who lives with Greymane, an older werewolf who acts like a father figure to Lilith since his wife and son were killed also by Xylo. I had Gorebash, but he was also killed by Xylo. That was Slygotha's mate. Was an awesome encounter.)
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