The Haunted Forest RPG

Amariea ran back to a aviners place,"aviner!millie!"she screamed.
Millie came out,"amariea!"she said,"what's the matter?"
"It's winter,she's not getting better!"amariea said.

Avenir looked at Amariea. She wasn't even too sure if she cared or not, but she may as well help to be nice.
"Hm...Let me see her." Avenir said and waited for Amariea's reply.
Avenir looked at Amariea. She wasn't even too sure if she cared or not, but she may as well help to be nice.
"Hm...Let me see her." Avenir said and waited for Amariea's reply.

Amariea picked up a small bag she had and opened it up,and gently took winter out,"her scales are odd, here skin were they were is really puffy and she won't wake up"she said softly.

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