The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

I'm so glad the eggs made it in 2 days and none arrived broken. Good luck with your hatch.
I guess USPS wanted to surprise me. Well... they sure did! No tracking and a day early? They got me good!!!

Thanks, cmom. Barring any natural disasters, I'm anticipating a good hatch!

Here are some of the chicks that hatched last night. They are RIR, RIW, and some project chicks. I do have them separated so I know who came from whom.

Some of the chicks??? Looks like you had a busy night! Any of this batch still hatching? How many so far?
All of my birds I have now came from birds I got from Matt Ulrich (Matt1616 (BYC)). I have had them for a few years now. Matt is now the president of the Rhode Island Red Club of America and has very fine birds. I can't tell you about the Underwood's because I have never had them but Jimmy has had most lines. this is his website for his opinion, Matt wins at most shows with his Reese. I have been very happy with my birds and they have placed well at the shows. I'm sure Gary Underwood's birds are just as fine. There may be birds at the shows from his line but I don't know who is showing them.
This is the source I found for Underwood's line, Rollie Hutchinson. He says his Underwood birds got 2nd place at Nationals and Champ Amer cockerel in Iowa. They seem like good birds. Several people on this thread have mentioned getting birds from him. Mrheinz77 also mentioned showing his Underwood birds, and apparently they did very well.
Thank you for the link to that site. I had been there before but never read anything about Matt's line, only Underwood. He compares the two lines in one place, and says he likes Matts a bit more. Its a hard decision, because they both seem like great lines with great show winners. Im no expert in RIR by any means, and have never kept either of those lines, so it is hard to decide which ones to get, lol. I won't be going to any super big shows, so the bird wouldn't need to be THAT competitive, but I would like to maximize my chances of winning, lol.
Also you can go online or probably a library and look up The American Poultry Association Standard of Perfection which explains a lot about what you're asking about for the different breeds.
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