The Hidden Door Chat Thread

In my Profile pic they all look kinda baby-ish. Kipp'll be 17 in February. This is a more accurate representation of me boy. ^u^ Though currently he's wearing a grey hoodie over his shirt.

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Ooooooooh, he's so tall, dark, and handsome... :gig
Seriously, though, he's beyond great. Your shading is incredible. :th
Idk, dude, I feel like Blake count as weapons... Though I guess he doesn't know that. Oh, and Aella. And... a lot of them actually XD

Kylan can fry a dude and Lilith has a dagger XD He has no idea what all of them are capable of XD

He and Ellie will get along well. She can shoot lasers from her eyes :p

Omw XD "Hey sup bro wanna go fry some dudes"

Hana got her katana XD
Colby, Nat, and Ciro: Bait 2000
As they made their way through the confining undergrowth, Nat suddenly threw her left arm over Colby's shoulders and pulled him close to her side.
He looked up quizzically and had to wince when he really looked at her face. Her smokey eyes looked fine enough -actually, super cool, especially in this low lighting- but he really wanted to wipe that horrid coral lipstick off. Usually, her color coordination wasn't this rough. But there was no way he was about to tell her and burst the pride she had in her sense of prettifying. Oh, well. At least it was produced without being tested on animals. He made sure to painstakingly check all of her products at least twice a month. "What's that for?"
"Nothing." The accursed orange lips pursed and made Colby hate them all the more. How exactly did one get lipstick off another person without them noticing?
"You scared?" he wondered innocently.
Nat facepalmed with her free hand and released him with a shove. "Fine, get overcome by bushes with malintent if you so desire."
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