The Honey Factory

So I moved bees from swarm trap to hive . They had 4 frames full of brood and honey . Plus some burr comb . So been in there awhile . They were not happy about the move but all went well .

I have a feral hive you can have, Jerry.

They will be easy for you to get they are using my old granary. But you have to use no bad words while catching them. Also I suggest a pretty sturdy box with no holes for the drive home...


I won’t even charge you a finders fee as long as you get them all.

Lots . Put them in a hive . Video of removal please . :lau
I am unable to comply. While walking towards the granary a can of raid flying insect aerosol accidentally discharged hitting that little hole perfectly killing all the poor bees.

To have that happen was a million to one accident, I feel bad and am grieving the loss of their honey.
I am unable to comply. While walking towards the granary a can of raid flying insect aerosol accidentally discharged hitting that little hole perfectly killing all the poor bees.

To have that happen was a million to one accident, I feel bad and am grieving the loss of their honey.
I have a small hive of their brown breathren being built on one of my stock tanks... sigh...
Will you be moving them to a hive or delivering them to Jerry?
Jerry is more than welcome to them if he wants to come get them. They are easy to access... I thought we had gotten rid of them when we killed one of the 2, drenched the other, and soaked the nest... apparently not... Will make soap water and soak it next. Don't want to put poison on my horses water source.

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