The House Goose Poem (By my DH!)


Apr 25, 2015
This is for all those as crazy as me,
Because convincing other's isn't easy you see,
A goose in our house?! Heaven's NO!
Is usually how the first attempts go...

It is here that many give up,
And said goose lives outside like a duck,
But for some who just won't be turned,
The research goes on and much will be learned...

From housing, to diapers, to toys and to feed,
To Backyard Chickens we flock to read,
More educated, we try it again,
To convince our partner, our friend...

That a goose as a pet isn't really that odd,
Perhaps even useful he'll help trim the sod!
Many rolled eyes, and as time goes by,
We wear them down to give it a try!

That cute little bundle of fuzzy and fluff,
Makes even the hardest melt and feel stuff!
One who was once strong against the whole deal,
Now a puddle of mush amidst all the feels...

Seldom will they admit it, the strongest you'll see,
But even they will one day fall to their knees,
When that cute little bundle follows their every move,
That into their hearts it's place it will groove...

Fast forward a bit down the road,
That cute little bundle, my how it's grown!
It's bottom all diapered, it sits on the laps,
Of it's loved human family and takes a nice nap...

Cas, please stop growing it's going too fast,
I am just still adjusting I want this to last,
It matters not to me if you're a Lad or a Las,
I'll call every moment "The Chronicles of Cas".


(My DH wrote this the other day on a random slip of paper I dug out of the trash, and I just HAD to share it! I can't let him know I read it, but I'm really glad I did. It melted my heart right into pieces.)
Awww, this is awesome and sooo true! A lot of people look at me funny when I say I have a pet goose. "A PET goose?" "Yeah, she lives with us in the house." "A GOOSE in the HOUSE?!"
Thanks guys! Although it feels a bit weird saying thanks because I didn't write this lol. My hub loves to write things, but he doesn't always let me see what he's written. (Male pride maybe? Lol) I'm just really glad I saw this before it was thrown out for good. And, even better? I know how he really feels so even when he tries to deny it, inside I'll know! Lol
Thanks guys! Although it feels a bit weird saying thanks because I didn't write this lol. My hub loves to write things, but he doesn't always let me see what he's written. (Male pride maybe? Lol) I'm just really glad I saw this before it was thrown out for good. And, even better? I know how he really feels so even when he tries to deny it, inside I'll know! Lol
Oh dear. It saddens me he doesn't feel his writing is worthy of the world to see or feels shame in sharing it. Writing something so beautiful and touching, bringing tears of joy & sorrow from even the mightiest of men is something to take pride in.

I read it to my hubby. He teared up too :)

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