Lucy Goosey has me trapped

Bee Honey

In the Brooder
Jun 21, 2022
It's been eight days since my two female baby geese arrived. The little one died on day 2 but Lucy has grown and is healthy and happy as long as I'm in sight All Day Long. It's been unusually cold and our brooder is inside the house because even the garage is cold with a heat lamp. Her chirping has never stopped, even when she eats she seems panicked. I decided to put her in an open tupperware container and she gets carried everywhere with me as I clean house, feed the dogs etc. and she is happy. Am I being overprotective. She only eats when I'm near by or I hand feed her. Can a goose train me that fast ? Any advice would be welcome please


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I second the mirror or plush small toy. They can definitely train you. Yes, it will get annoying. Is there somewhere local you can get this one a replacement buddy? They really need atleast a pair, otherwise you'll be ordering goose diapers and tripping over her in the kitchen. 😆
What's your long term goal with this goose? If you don't foresee being able to be as involved in her everyday life as she grows and becomes an adult, I would immediately get her some friends and stop carrying her around with you. Most people don't think about the long term ramifications of having a lone goose imprint on them. Things can get especially messy when they become an adult and get into breeding season as the human becomes the source for a sexual outlet or frustration. Geese are flock animals and need some of their own kind to bond and socialize with.
She's very cute, btw. I hope my pair hatches out some goslings this year.
Can you get her a mirror or a stuffed toy to snuggle with? It's not healthy for her to be that inprinted, put her brooder someplace warmer and leave her be.
It's worth a try. I'm also trying to get her imprinted with my yorkie. They seem to get along. The yorkie wants to be a momma
I second the mirror or plush small toy. They can definitely train you. Yes, it will get annoying. Is there somewhere local you can get this one a replacement buddy? They really need atleast a pair, otherwise you'll be ordering goose diapers and tripping over her in the kitchen. 😆
Goose diapers ! Oh hell NO ! I really wanted two girls and if i can I will try to get another
Thank you
What's your long term goal with this goose? If you don't foresee being able to be as involved in her everyday life as she grows and becomes an adult, I would immediately get her some friends and stop carrying her around with you. Most people don't think about the long term ramifications of having a lone goose imprint on them. Things can get especially messy when they become an adult and get into breeding season as the human becomes the source for a sexual outlet or frustration. Geese are flock animals and need some of their own kind to bond and socialize with.
She's very cute, btw. I hope my pair hatches out some goslings this year.
The two female geese I hoped would alert when the hawks and owls are around during the day. My dogs are good with the coyotes but the owls and hawks seems more problematic. I was going to have them freerange with the chickens but they would be in their own coop at night. I really wanted the pair and will work that plan eventually
The two female geese I hoped would alert when the hawks and owls are around during the day. My dogs are good with the coyotes but the owls and hawks seems more problematic. I was going to have them freerange with the chickens but they would be in their own coop at night. I really wanted the pair and will work that plan eventually
Yeah they will help to alert the flock to aerial predators and keep them away to some extent. They aren’t any good with other predators.

Like the others suggested you should probably try to get another gosling for her.

Right now her behavior is normal, if she hadn’t lost her sister it might not have been as intense, but it would still be happening. Goslings are never without their parent and spend most of their time snuggled with a parent when they aren’t eating. They are terrified if they don’t have a parent in sight at all times because they are so vulnerable. Some goslings are quieter than others, some will scream endlessly if they aren’t held or have somewhere warm and dark to snuggle into.
The two female geese I hoped would alert when the hawks and owls are around during the day. My dogs are good with the coyotes but the owls and hawks seems more problematic. I was going to have them freerange with the chickens but they would be in their own coop at night. I really wanted the pair and will work that plan eventually
I have 2 female Pilgrims. Every time I left the room when they were babies, they cried and cried. It was hard. They were several months old before I could leave them without the crying. Being alone must be brutal for her. I would try to get her a friend as quickly as possible. Yesterday would probably be good.

As for hawk protection, I lost one of my chickens to a hawk a few months ago. So heartbreaking. The geese didn't work and that is why I got them. I have one of those crazy arms things now and haven’t seen a hawk since. They are expensive, but so are geese, especially when you fall head over heels in love with them like you didn’t expect to do when you got them. Then they get everything you think they want…

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