The How-To For New BYC Members!


7 Years
Aug 28, 2012
Planet No
Just thought I'd start this little thread to help the new members of BYC.

How To Make An article:

Many members would like to create a new article, say, for the POW, CC-POW, Article Writing Contest, or just for fun. I have been asked some few times about how to create an article. I even once had to ask Nifty-Chicken how to make an article, when I was a newbie. To create an article, first you need to find the Learning Center link, right on the taskbar-thingy at the top of the BYC page.

Click on it.

Then, you need to decide what you are writing about. You will have 5 choices of article to write: Coop Designs, Member Pages, My Chickens, Laws and Ordinances, and Recipes.

To add a member page, click on Member Pages and look at the page. You should see this icon:

Click on that icon, and you're good to go! You can begin to write your article!

(Note: The same goes with Chicken Pages, Laws and Ordinances, and Recipes. To do a Chicken Coop Page, scroll past the designs, and you'll see an Add a Chicken Coop Design.)

(Note: For a Chicken Page, the icon will say add a chicken page, for a recipe, it will say add a recipe, for a law/ordinance, it will say add a law/ordinance.)

How To Insert a Pic:

You will definitely want to post pics of your chickens, or other things, once you join BYC. To do this, just follow these simple steps.

Step One:

In your post,thread, or article locate the little icon that looks like this:

Step Two:

Click that icon. You will then get something like this:

Click on upload files, and you will have a desktop window open. Find the file that contains the desired image. Double click the desired image. This is what you'll get:

Go ahead and hit submit, and, thought it may take a second, the image will appear in your post.

How To Post A Link:

When you are wondering how to post a link, here is the easiest way to do that.

Open a new tab to the link you are wanting to post.

(Using BYC as the place to post the link, Aoxa's Chicken Blog as the link to be posted).

Click on the little paper-like icon, then, with your post box open, or your signature, or whatever you want to post this in open, drag the link into it. This is what it'll look like when finished:

(No, seriously, check out the Aoxa's Chickens blog. It really is awesome!)

How To Create A Signature:

Many BYCers would like to have a nice signature. When you join BYC, you will need to have about 10 posts to create a signature. This is part of BYC's spam-fighting feature.

To make a signature, click My Profile, and scroll all the way down until you reach a big gray box with a "create signature" text. Click that, and you're good to go.

Thanks for reading! Hope it was mighty helpful!

(Images done in Microsoft Paint.)
Last edited:
That was so nice of you! I like the graphics too
I noticed the mods referring people to the FAQ section, right at the bottom of the page, under the Mobile/Desktop icons, so I had a look the other day to see what it's about. The FAQ section is great! I'm referring noobs there now if they have problems figuring out the site. And it's got tutorials on articles etc and it explains all the little technical things. I wish I knew about it when I came back a year ago and discovered the "New BYC". I was completely lost!

Check it out:
That was so nice of you! I like the graphics too
I noticed the mods referring people to the FAQ section, right at the bottom of the page, under the Mobile/Desktop icons, so I had a look the other day to see what it's about. The FAQ section is great! I'm referring noobs there now if they have problems figuring out the site. And it's got tutorials on articles etc and it explains all the little technical things. I wish I knew about it when I came back a year ago and discovered the "New BYC". I was completely lost!

Check it out:
Thanks, Sumi. I just kinda did that 1) Because I thought it might be fun and 2) Just as a quick answer to some newbie questions.
How do we add a link to our signature page? (I would like to add the "BYC Award" nomination link in my signature. I saw someone else with this in their signature and was totally unaware of these awards or ability to nominate!!!

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