The Incredible, Inedible, Mr. Smith


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 23, 2014
Ketchikan, Alaska
While on vacation my coop was attacked by a bear, he was able to eat one arucana hen, one pekin duck, and trampled two of my light brahmas. 2 pekins ducks, 1 arucana and 1 light brahma survived, I was under the impression my cuckoo maran hen and my arucana rooster had been eaten. As I unpacked my bag three boys showed up in my yard holding my rooster, Mr smith. While he has a very deep wound, he is alive, and survived a whole week alone an wounded. Ive cleaned his wound with epsom salt and warm water 1/4 tsp to 1 cup water, and coated it in a white RX cream from a friend who also had a chicken wound. I then put a nice jumper on him because he really likes the flavor of drumstick and cream. This is my first time owning chickens and my first attack. Any advice at all would be so helpful! Ill try to get the real name of the medicine, its a RX for sure though.
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I forgot to add, he is pooping, LOTS, and Ive for sure seen him eat a few bits of kibble. Im feeding him duck feed, taste of the wild cat food, fresh peas, cherry tomatoes and broccoli, tonight Ill try to give him some boiled eggs. I have a dish of fresh water with a bit of sugar in it. Hes sitting a lot, presumably because his drumstick hurts to stand on, hes sleepy also, which I know is bad. Im hoping sitting under the heat lamp and getting it covered in the cream will help him rally. No one gets to eat my chickens but me ******!
That's a pretty bad wound especially since he had no first aid treatment for a week. I would use an antibiotic ointment on the wound after cleaning it once with betadine or plain water. Is the white cream that your friend gave you a burn cream called Silvadene? That would be okay to use also. He may very well heal up, since chickens can heal up from amazingly bad wounds. Sounds like you have it covered. Try giving him some soft scrambled egg, a bit of tuna, and wet his chicken feed with some water to make a mush. Those would be better for a balanced diet and good protein.
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It is pretty deep and dry, or was, but the good news is the wound didnt smell, wasnt bleeding or oozing, no sign of infection that I could see. It was pouring down rain the whole week he was gone but I think he was able to stay dry under a porch. I believe she called it SS cream? She said it was for burns also so maybe silvadine? she said the cream dries into a scab that needs to be wetted and peeled off every other day and replaced. She got it a from a local vet. Unfortunately on an island in Alaska my choices are limited for supplies. OH also like I said we cleaned it with a salt water mix, it wasnt dirty any we didnt notice any debris, we also trimmed all the feathers around the wound. I plan on keeping him inside the garage or closet inside depending on the temperature, for the rest of the winter. He doesn't trust me right now, but hopefully we bond over the next 6 months!
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My week and a half old Serama chick was pecked by other moms early on. She was getting better then attacked again today. I had given the egg to my broody silky but she turned out to be a worthless mom.
I have brought her in the house under a light, cleaned the wound, applied Neosporin and have given her some electrolyte water. Amazingly, after 4 hours she is still alive.
I suppose if she/he is still alive in the morning I may have a house chick. Basically her whole rear scalp is gone. What a disaster. Have any of you had one live through something this traumatic?

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