The Interesting Thread!

Yay I found it!!

So one interesting thing I'm doing. I'm raising a baby blue jay, Jay's are in the same family crows are and they are very smart! At least the one I'm raising is! He learned how to use the water dropper within minutes, sit's on my finger and I swear he is learning to say Hi the same way I say it to him!
Yay I found it!!

So one interesting thing I'm doing. I'm raising a baby blue jay, Jay's are in the same family crows are and they are very smart! At least the one I'm raising is! He learned how to use the water dropper within minutes, sit's on my finger and I swear he is learning to say Hi the same way I say it to him!
That's so awesome!
Yay I found it!!

So one interesting thing I'm doing. I'm raising a baby blue jay, Jay's are in the same family crows are and they are very smart! At least the one I'm raising is! He learned how to use the water dropper within minutes, sit's on my finger and I swear he is learning to say Hi the same way I say it to him!

That's awesome!
So today, the Blue Jay flew away. I thought he was gone and was worried cause he still eats baby food. Well, eventually I heard him crying and although I couldn't catch him I climbed a ladder and stood on my tippy toes so I could feed him, lol. THAT was not easy!
I did not mean for him to get out, he's still mostly a baby, meaning he still does not eat adult food. But at the same time I never try to hold a wild animal against there will, so I'll work with him best I can.
We are raising two baby starlings that fell from their nest. Four fell in all but I suspect that the first had internal injuries because it only survived a few hours. The second to fall is doing well but it is crippled, most likely from the fall. The third was found dead two days later and the fourth fell the next day and is doing really well. I suspect that the crippled one will stay with us but I'm hoping that the other will fledge soon and be able to make it on its own.

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