The Joys of Owning Imported Orpingtons

Just took 12 week pictures of my little flock. Here's my Black English Orpington. She's a funny girl. Always one of the first to rush out of the coop to see me (from the safety of the run) but a the same time doesn't want to get too close (consequently a little hard to get pics of) She's also constantly moving!. But she talks quietly to me the whole time. She definitely has a lot to say!

So really no one thinks this guy is english? He's a little leggy but he's so fluffy




piglett suggested this thread to me as I'm looking into chickens for meat. I'm allergic to chicken eggs so we've already got ducks for those. Since I live in Vermont he suggested I might be able to get some birds from Renie. Yours look very nice Renie! I'm particularly amused because I have been looking into Buff Orps.

Guineas are currently occupying the coop I intend for the chickens so I won't be joining you in Orp ownership right away but I wanted to join the thread at least.

piglett suggested this thread to me as I'm looking into chickens for meat. I'm allergic to chicken eggs so we've already got ducks for those. Since I live in Vermont he suggested I might be able to get some birds from Renie. Yours look very nice Renie! I'm particularly amused because I have been looking into Buff Orps.

Guineas are currently occupying the coop I intend for the chickens so I won't be joining you in Orp ownership right away but I wanted to join the thread at least.

i also think Renie ends up with large cockerels left over once she picks out the best ones for her breeding program
you could keep a couple to protect your hens & send the rest off to camp.

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