the kids rescued a mole


11 Years
Aug 29, 2008
and he is precious!!! anything we should know about moles? my husband is bringing him some meal worms and he is burrowed in a box of straw right now. the dog was on the verge of eating him and the kids intervened. he is better than he was last night..he was bleeding a little bit but now he is alert with no bleeding, although i am worried because he will let the kids hold him without even acting aggressive, like you would expect a wild animal to do.
Please send your kids down here... they can collect all of the moles

Yes, please, do post pics!!!
We dont have moles around here. I wouldnt even know what one looks like. You know why? Because you have not posted a picture of this alleged mole. He may be innocent of being a mole. How will we know?
Moles burrow into the earth and eat earthworms and grubs (cutworms and the like). They don't eat vegetable matter (roots, etc, like voles and gophers do). They can't see, as their eyes wouldn't do them any good underground anyway (they're called "vestigeal", meaning there's a trace, but they don't function). They leave the "mole holes", not mounds, like gophers, and are very beneficial in aerating the soil, besides eating the grubs. If you get a look at it's teeth (very carefully!), you'll see that they've been designed to grab and tear, not chew, like gophers. I'm sure that when he feels better, he won't be so cuddly!
You could also add some shredded newspaper - anything to let him dig to feel safe. Hope he does ok - nice of you to help!
When he feels better, maybe you could let him go at a mole hole (preferably his) and put a little garden fence around it?
i want to take pictures..but the crappy replacement camera that we got after my oldest ran over our really good camera with a lawnmower died! he is sooo cute though with his little ears and his teeny tiny eyeballs..oh i could eat him up! luckily the dog didnt though. the cats however have been dragging bloody remains of moles in the house for weeks now.

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