The lady birds HATE to be separated from each other! Will they always?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 19, 2012
Hello all!
I am very new to chickens. I got three Dominique chicks about 5 weeks ago, so very, very new! I have noticed when I take them out to their run, one by one, they make an awful fuss when separated from each other. One girl in particular, her name is Plouffe, sounds like she is under attack when you separate her from either of the other two, even for a few seconds.Furbush or Bumgarner...her sisters that is, can walk a foot away from her and she will freak out! And she seems to always want the three of them to be together, which doesn't work out often because Bumgarner loves to wander in her own little world.
I was wondering if this behavior is something they do when they are young or if this is going to continue for the rest of their lives? Am I just going to have to carry three lady birds around with me forever and always?
Also as a side note, though I am sure someone has probably asked this question many times old are Dominiques (not sure if that is the proper plural form) when they start to lay eggs?
Thanks for reading my silly questions!
This is Plouffe she is the biggest of the three but the most sensitive, also my husband's hand. He is sensitive too.......
I raised my three blue's together, and they're inseperable, they don't freak out a bunch, but if i carry one, the others follow. They're 10 months old now.
They never peck or attack me if I seperate them.
I think most chickens lay around 6-7 months of age and maybe earlier, but I could be wrong :)
Cute bird!
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Thanks my one yells until they are literally all right next to each other. I hope she grows out of it. And thanks for the info about laying!

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