In her book "Araucanas - Rings on Their Ears", p.37, Cathy Brunson mentions the laughing crow of the araucana rooster. She suggests that "the trait may be recessive and it sounds much like human laughter." I was wondering if any of you here in this forum have come across this trait in any of your araucanas or know anyone who is breeding for this trait. When I read it, it called my attention because one of my roosters crows significantly different from any other that I have had before and sometimes it seems like a "joking laughter" for brief moments. My mother usually asks me what in the world is happening with the rooster and I can only see one explanation, which goes along with Brunson's comments. I will really appreciate any comments, findings or suggestions in this matter, because if in fact that is something that may be revived or revivified, I would be very interested in pursuing a breeding project with that in mind. Your thoughts are welcome.