The Legbar Thread!

I have a turkey hen like that but she is never mean to me. I can even pick her up off the nest and she just squacks at me but she will set and raise anything I give her. I didn't take notes on numbers but she's raised turkeys,ducks,geese,chicks, and peafowl. I love my scarlet.
4. no neurological problems....unless you count chicks wanting to perch your head

It struck me funny! are the first year laying records of two Cream Legbar Hens in the U.S.

Lilly's actual egg color of egg laid this week were an oac81. The egg size of actual eggs laid this week were 68 grams. Her record for single yolk eggs was 73 grams and 81 grams for double yolk eggs.

Robin's actual egg color of eggs laid this week were an oac123. The egg size of actual eggs laid this week were 54 grams. Her largest eggs were not recorded, but I know I saw some eggs from her around 60 grams. Note: Color saturation and shell texture of her eggs was much better than that of Lilly.
FABULOUS job, and fabulous records. So Lily lays bigger eggs than Robin and the color is less saturated..and THAT aligns with some reasearch that kind of says they need to spread the amount of pigment out in a bigger egg shell and it will be lighter....(kind of like the less frequent the more the color --type of theory) Thanks for posting.

do the X's mean starting point and stopping point? just curious.
So I have some Greenfire related chicks (parents from Greenfire) and hatched some them eggs from Flaming Chicken.
They needed a mommy so I gave Martha Muscovy. She hatched out one duckling and her box was next to the brooder.
She heard the chicks and made a fuss. So I gave them to her. She also got 5 Wheaten Marans young chicks and a month old
Wheaten Maran chick. She took all of them and is one proud mama!

My pixs are horrible as it was using my iPhone in the barn stall.
You will see in front of her the older chick. Under her tail are the Legbars.

She is well know for being a mean momma! I have bruises on my legs to prove it.
Last year, she raised her 8 ducklings in the barn stall. I had raised some turkey and put them in
the stall at two months old. She adopted them. Plus a bunch of chicks from the incubator.
It was wild as the turkeys got bigger than her and would try to go underneath her and lift her up in the air.
And you would see ducks, chickens and turkeys all followed her in one long procession
She shows no mercy and will attack the Livestock Guardian Dogs.
She is the fifth generation born on the farm.

Chicks under her tail. They all took to her as soon as she was put in the cage.
Some jumped on her back and went to sleep. She is an awesome duck!

It was so cute when I put her in....she called softy to the chick and they all ran to her...she inspected
all of them and they went under her or on top of her.....then she turned to me and gave me a long hiss!
Love that story and your amazing duck. -- I think that the second picture looks like a 'old masters' because of the golden lighting. You should enter it in the Cream Legbar Club Cutest Chick contest which BTW closes on the 30th of JUNE...if you aren't a club member -- joining is easy. ;O)
Hello all....I am new to Legbars. I have 3 (hopefully a trio) of CL and a quad of Rodebars plus an extra roo. I have fell in love with these guys. I have one CL that is around 2 1//2 old whos eyes kept looking like the inner eyelid was not retracting. So I started putting Terramyicin gel in them after I cleaned them with saline solution. It would scratch at them some. After a week there was no improvement but was worse. It keeps scratching at it's eyes constantly and sqwaking so I know it is really uncomfortable and it has to be painful. It has scratched a lot of the feathers around it's eyes off. I started using some eye drops that are soothinns g and lubricate and still using the terrimyicin gen. I have checked for mites and treated just in case..checked for eyeworms..none...I am at a lose. This afternoon it had scratched so much its eye was bleeding. shakes it head too. has to be something topical. Does anyone have any idea??? Anything else I could use. I am afraid it is going to scratch it's lenses to bad it is going to blind itself. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.Will try to get pics tomorrow.
Sorry, I don't have any idea. You might post in the emergencies thread or another thread with a lot of experienced posters, or send a PM to someone with a lot of experience on here.
Hello all....I am new to Legbars. I have 3 (hopefully a trio) of CL and a quad of Rodebars plus an extra roo. I have fell in love with these guys. I have one CL that is around 2 1//2 old whos eyes kept looking like the inner eyelid was not retracting. So I started putting Terramyicin gel in them after I cleaned them with saline solution. It would scratch at them some. After a week there was no improvement but was worse. It keeps scratching at it's eyes constantly and sqwaking so I know it is really uncomfortable and it has to be painful. It has scratched a lot of the feathers around it's eyes off. I started using some eye drops that are soothinns g and lubricate and still using the terrimyicin gen. I have checked for mites and treated just in case..checked for eyeworms..none...I am at a lose. This afternoon it had scratched so much its eye was bleeding. shakes it head too. has to be something topical. Does anyone have any idea??? Anything else I could use. I am afraid it is going to scratch it's lenses to bad it is going to blind itself. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.Will try to get pics tomorrow.

I don't know myself, sorry. But I Googled "chicken eye" and several suggestions popped up, including "chicken eye worm." Many of the sites listed for eye issues were specific byc threads. Good luck; I hope you find a cure.
FABULOUS job, and fabulous records. So Lily lays bigger eggs than Robin and the color is less saturated..and THAT aligns with some reasearch that kind of says they need to spread the amount of pigment out in a bigger egg shell and it will be lighter....(kind of like the less frequent the more the color --type of theory) Thanks for posting.

do the X's mean starting point and stopping point? just curious.
Yes, the first is the day they laid their first pullet egg. The 2nd egg is supposed to tell me when to stop counting, but if you look closely you will see that on Lilly's chart I counted the X instead of stopping so she should have only got credit for 164 eggs.

This spring we had 2-3 out of 14 pullets go broody on us. All of them the week after our cut-off date for spring hatches, so none of them got to be mothers. I am wondering how many of them will go broody this fall. I suspect the egg averages will be a lot higher next year that this year if we only have 25% of the ladies taking maturnity leave rather than the whole flock.

Note: I used the 1920's something Culling by Headpoints that Threerivers in PA introduced me to and the pen with the selected pullets is out laying my other two flocks by able a 2-1/2 egg per hen per month margin, so hopefully selection will help get those egg numbers up too.
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