The Legbar Thread!

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From a breeder a bit north of me in Georgia. He gave me a third that is about 2 weeks old. It looks like a roo, but he wasn't 100 percent sure! Smithey poultry
Hmmm.. With Cream Legbar the sex identity should be 100% certain. Though we are finding as the breed gets more popular the auto sexing trait sometimes isn't coming through as strong as it should.

Do you have a picture of the uncertain chick? We may be able to identify its sex for you.
Here's an update on my "chicks"

Let me know what you think!

Beautiful chicks! They are looking good! I see you are in the UK so im unaware of what lines you have but they resemble the Rees Line.

Your pullet is lovely, she looks like she is showing some good potential. So far the males look ok also and the barring isn't terrible. Just a tip, as you move forward (of course not to over look body type) try your best to select the males with the darkest most crisp, even and clear barring you can, if you select carefully each generation it will get better. Once you get the barring down, both males and females should start to show the nice barring that a lot of our CLs are lacking. It is in my opinion that good barring also helps with a good autosexed chick.

How many chicks did you have again? And how old are they?
Hmmm.. With Cream Legbar the sex identity should be 100% certain. Though we are finding as the breed gets more popular the auto sexing trait sometimes isn't coming through as strong as it should.

Do you have a picture of the uncertain chick? We may be able to identify its sex for you.

Beautiful chicks! They are looking good! I see you are in the UK so im unaware of what lines you have but they resemble the Rees Line.

Your pullet is lovely, she looks like she is showing some good potential. So far the males look ok also and the barring isn't terrible. Just a tip, as you move forward (of course not to over look body type) try your best to select the males with the darkest most crisp, even and clear barring you can, if you select carefully each generation it will get better. Once you get the barring down, both males and females should start to show the nice barring that a lot of our CLs are lacking. It is in my opinion that good barring also helps with a good autosexed chick.

How many chicks did you have again? And how old are they?

Thank you! Hmm i think they are part Rees line if not full Rees line, although I didn't get them directly from Jill Rees. Yes, the barring is a bit "grey" and not very distinctive concerning where the black (grey in my case) stops and the white starts. Ah I see, this does make sense! I have 2 males and 2 females (the pullets are virtually indistinguishable - and so I'm not sure if the photos are of the same or different ones). They are just over 11 weeks!
Sadly I'm not sure if I will be able to "breed" my cream legbars, as I would have to replace my rooster (one won't be living here anyway) as they are from the same breeding pen, and therefore closely related (half-siblings, if not full siblings)
Also I'm moving to University (college) and won't be able to do much "breeding" for the next few years!

Thanks for the positive comments!!

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