The love childen's Adventures...sad update

i came across your story of leon and Have enjoyed the reading. You ahve a way with story telling....I think you should write a childrens book about Leon the brave. sorry to hear about all the bad news, it shall pass. At one time I too was going to throw in the towel on having chickens bc it seemed like everything was happening, but i kept reminding myself of the "joy" that it brought to me and my family in having chickens around the house . i look forward to read more about leon and his ladies!
On May 25th the first eggs hatched unfortunately only 1 of the first 3 to hatch survived the first night, that left 3 eggs which where left under broody mommy. On May 28th I found an egg had pipped but mommy was off the nest. I put broody mommy back on the nest and the chick hatched and is doing well. So out of 6 eggs 4 hatched and we have 2 very cute and healthy chicks. The first chick is yellow with black spots and the other is black with an orange face and a white dot on her head. I will be posting pictures soon. I have one other broody sitting on 4 eggs 3 bantam EE's and a brown egg. They should be hatching around June 13th. The chicks also have feathered legs like their daddy. I am so happy with the chicks now if they are pullets I have it made. Any extra roosters will become dinner.
Today one of Leon's babies died, I was outside working when I heard a noise I went to see and one of the little ones was missing after some searching I found the little one under some logs, it seems while mommy was chasing off some wild birds a log slipped and killed the little one.

I am very sad that this happened. I still have 4 eggs under another broody I am hoping some of the bantam EE eggs hatch.
I am sooooo sorry!!! its those accidents that side swipe us! i lost my barbara last week- i don't care how little they are, it breaks your heart every time...hugs!!
I have read and enjoyed every minute of your story of Leon!! I am a new chicken lover. My family has embarked on this new chicken hobby and we have 27 two week old chicks in the brooder. Six are for a neighbor so eventually we will have 21. We have SLW, EE, Lt. Brahmas, Dominiques, BLP, WCBP, BO and a mystery that I think may be a Dark Brahma. We love them all and so far enjoy immersing ourselves in the chick life!! Sorry to hear about your streak of seemingly bad luck lately with the babies and Leon's apparent attitude problem. I don't know yet how chickens rationalize things in their little heads but maybe he blames you all for his recent losses of ladies. Maybe someone should have a chat with him explaining that it was sad for you all as well and that in case he hasn't noticed, you guys love all of his ladies just as much as he does so he should back off and chillax!!
I hope you all have a peaceful summer with your lovelies!!
Cannot wait for another update.
It has just been so crazy and busy around here I have not had a chance to post for a while. I did have some bantam EE/Cochin chicks cross I lost them to a predator I only have 1 chick that survived it is doing great. We are still working on building the cover to the run I will post some new stories and some pictures as soon as things settle down around here. I am glad that you have enjoyed the stories. Hang on and there will be more. Leon is still up to his antics.

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