The Man with No Face ~ A Slenderman story PLEASE READ!!!

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The following three months of Shaunee's life were spent behind a gate bordering a mental institution. There was no one to visit her. No one came. Whatever had been stalking her had taken everyone she had.
She sat outside, ignoring the inferno of heat from the sun. Shaunee did not move at all. She only stared off into a boundless skyline, right against the gate. Her fingers wrapped around the metal as she watched. A fork was gripped in her left hand, as she scored away at the metal with a prong. Several workers walked up to her, trying to get the fork away from her. She, in response, would scream and thrash madly.
She knew what was happening. She knew the grotesque, monstrous thing that had stalked her for so long was driving her insane. She knew she was constantly tortured by this. But she seemed not to mind.
That, however, was only on the outside.

His colorless skin was brightened by the sudden luster of the moon, a fresh blanket of autumn leaves left untouched on the forest floor. His head turned slowly, cocking it suddenly, as a dog would. He watched. Waited.
His helper, so it seemed, shyed up to his side. Turning his head suddenly to stare at the demon at his side, he let out a hiss at the demon without even opening a mouth. The demon shyed away, his eyes closed behind his mask. His featureless, inhumane face scanned the area. "Ssshe hasss moved... she is there..." He raised a tentacle towards the building. "There, Masky. That issss where you will investigate."
The man in the mask gave a tentative nod, then raced off.
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To everyone: Thank you so much for the motivating comments! I'm glad you guys are enjoying it~


Although the darkness had descended upon them, Shaunee did not move from her spot. She refused to move at all, believing she was safe behind the gate. Her steely gaze watched none more than a streetlight, fascinated by its glow. Anyone could tell, now, that Shaunee had lost it. She was intrigued by the little, everyday things like pens or butterflies, streetlights or grass beneath her feet. Her behavior suggested that although she'd lost whatever sanity she had, she wasn't taking it for granted.
Raising two delicate hands to the sky, Shaunee captured a leaf between them and looked at it. Although it was dying, she thought it was a pretty color. She brushed it with two slender fingers, then dug her fingernails in and hacked away until there were only shards of it left. With a gentle blow from her lips, they were gone, riding the night thermals. She scratched her name on a nearby pot, using the fork. She would sing to the leaves. Curse at spoons. Laugh at sporks. Poke the glass of sleeping patient's windows. But she refused to move from the garden. If forceful action was taken, her teeth would meet skin.
And then, a black butterfly drifted by.
Walking to the gate again, she fit her slender arm through the slats in the gate and reached out to touch it. It flittered around for a moment, then rested on her hand.
Her mocha hair fell matted and dirty over her face, like it hadn't been cut in ages. She watched the butterfly before giving it a gentle breeze. It flew away, tipping to the side occasionally.

The Operator, far off, scratched something into his tree: VICTIM 1 - SHAUNEE.

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