The Meltdown- An Apocolypse RP

Maria thought she heard something, but decided it would be best to just ignore it and nervously turned her back to the entrance. Everything was just a little more nerve racking to her at night, since it was so much harder to see.
Jack fell down, coughing up blood, on the brink of death.
Jack fell down, coughing up blood, on the brink of death.

Maria knew she was hearing something now, and decided to get up and check. She threw the blanket into the corner of the small shelter, and left to see what was going on. Her eyes were wide, so she could see everything a little better in the darkness. And as she wandered she thought she saw someone lying on the ground.

"Uh...Is someone there?" She asked, not really knowing if the person was hurt or not. She held her pistol tightly.
Maria knew she was hearing something now, and decided to get up and check. She threw the blanket into the corner of the small shelter, and left to see what was going on. Her eyes were wide, so she could see everything a little better in the darkness. And as she wandered she thought she saw someone lying on the ground.

"Uh...Is someone there?" She asked, not really knowing if the person was hurt or not. She held her pistol tightly.
Jack whispered hoarsely "Me." He coughed up more blood.
Form to join:
Personality:she is very shy, she is somewhat weak.her mother betrayed her.she hates herself, for killing her best freind, who turned into the hive.
Description:she has shoulder length pure black hair.very very veyr very pale skin and blue eyes.
History:look at personality.
Weapons:she has a sword and a knife.
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Form to join:
Name:serena(I know you have a Serena, didnt know if she died or not.)
Personality:she is very shy, she is somewhat weak.her mother betrayed her.she hates herself, for killing her best freind, who turned into the hive.
Description:she has shoulder length pure black hair.very very veyr very pale skin and blue eyes.
History:look at personality.
Weapons:she has a sword and a knife.
(Accepted, if you change the name. my Serena is still alive)
Jack whispered hoarsely "Me." He coughed up more blood.

Maria vaguely remembered that voice. She was pretty sure the person was Jack, and he was definitely injured.

She ran back over to her shelter, she had bandages and such that could help him. Maria doubted he'd live, but she may as well try to help and not seem cold hearted. Once she had what she was willing to use, she went back over to Jack.

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