The Meltdown- An Apocolypse RP

Maria vaguely remembered that voice. She was pretty sure the person was Jack, and he was definitely injured.

She ran back over to her shelter, she had bandages and such that could help him. Maria doubted he'd live, but she may as well try to help and not seem cold hearted. Once she had what she was willing to use, she went back over to Jack.
Jack coughed up blood. He whispered "Maria, I'm going to die. You need to watch out for the Whisper...ers. They did this." He coughed up more blood, before his eyes rolled up and he died.
Jack coughed up blood. He whispered "Maria, I'm going to die. You need to watch out for the Whisper...ers. They did this." He coughed up more blood, before his eyes rolled up and he died.

Maria looked at him and sighed. She should have just not checked to see what the noise was, because in the end it was meaningless worry. She was slightly sad, but Maria barely spoke to Jack and death didn't seem that bad to her at the moment. Maria turned and walked away, now that Jack was dead and there was no point in staying there.
Maria looked at him and sighed. She should have just not checked to see what the noise was, because in the end it was meaningless worry. She was slightly sad, but Maria barely spoke to Jack and death didn't seem that bad to her at the moment. Maria turned and walked away, now that Jack was dead and there was no point in staying there.
(Happiness rules! How was your youth group thing?)
(Happiness rules! How was your youth group thing?)

(It was fine. Pretty fun, actually. There were a few hours where everyone was just extremely tired and did nothing. But the youth pastor made us get up and play more games at around 3:00 a.m.
Overall, I enjoyed it.)

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