The Middle Tennessee Thread

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of 12 black cooper Marans hatching eggs and 12 blue black and splash Jersey Giant hatching eggs. From a great SOP breeder, I also have the last gathering of Bielefelder eggs ready to go in with them so my incubator will be maxed out. I am as excited as a kid in a candy store and as nervous as well you fill in the blank.
I bet...I can hardly wait for the 15th myself. The whole family almost is excited. My daughter, not so much. I think she might be scared.
my wife was scared at first but the Bielefelders won her over they are not agressive and easily handled. I may have a variety of barn yard mix chicks any where from 12 weeks and under. Would you like a few extra chickens at no charge? The pullets will be good layers. The hen they come from usually lays an egg a day I'm actually surprised at her egg production. Anyway if you want extras just let me know.
It was financial reasons... all good, our reductions were EE's mostly... and a bunch of extra pures we decided not to keep, or only had 2 or 3's of...

Oh. Thank goodness! It would be a shame to get rid of your Ameraucanas! I'm SO HAPPY with the ones from your hatching eggs! They have turned out amazing in personality AND looks! I can't wait to see how they turn out when they grow all the way!!

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