The Middle Tennessee Thread

Speaking of tomatoes, for the best taste I'm partial to Black Krim, an old heirloom variety. Brick red/brown tomatoes, medium size, really wonderful taste. I also grew Mortgage Lifter, another old heirloom a few years ago. Flavor was good-nice but not exceptional, but production was incredible. It is a medium sized red indeterminate that just keeps going, I'll bet the vine got 12-13 feet long ( I trained it along a fence sideways) and it bore very heavily and when it was going to frost hard and I decided it was time to pick all the green tomatoes I picked nearly 200 to ripen indoors. I only had one plant but that was the most prolific tomato I EVER had. .

My first year growing anything, i grew Mortgage Lifters and one of them got as big as my hand. The vine was at least 9' tall and the fruit was very meaty. I love those babies !
Bamadude and 1kluckychik are headed to Huntsville Feb 19-20, and are planning a Tuscaloosa stop.

I was wondering if anyone along their travel route would have hatching eggs:

Any Spitzhauben??? Any color.

Any bantam that lays brown eggs

Any Leghorns that lay large eggs

And yes, I am happy to pay resonable rates through PayPal.

Thanks oodles.
Dont hav
Bamadude and 1kluckychik are headed to Huntsville Feb 19-20, and are planning a Tuscaloosa stop.

I was wondering if anyone along their travel route would have hatching eggs:

Any Spitzhauben??? Any color.

Any bantam that lays brown eggs

Any Leghorns that lay large eggs

And yes, I am happy to pay resonable rates through PayPal.

Thanks oodles.

Dont have any of those sorry. Hope you are able to find some!
Bamadude and 1kluckychik are headed to Huntsville Feb 19-20, and are planning a Tuscaloosa stop.

I was wondering if anyone along their travel route would have hatching eggs:

Any Spitzhauben??? Any color.

Any bantam that lays brown eggs

Any Leghorns that lay large eggs

And yes, I am happy to pay resonable rates through PayPal.

Thanks oodles.

I have some brown leghorn/isabell split eggs and bantam blrw Wyandotte and some bantam Cochin brown egg layers
PM me if interested
Bamadude and 1kluckychik are headed to Huntsville Feb 19-20, and are planning a Tuscaloosa stop.

I was wondering if anyone along their travel route would have hatching eggs:

Any Spitzhauben??? Any color.

Any bantam that lays brown eggs

Any Leghorns that lay large eggs

And yes, I am happy to pay resonable rates through PayPal.

Thanks oodles.

I have White Leghorns, Silver Penciled Wyandotte Bantams and Silkies I also have Bantam Wheaten Ameraucanas too but they lay blue eggs. I also have Mille Fleur Leghorns and Isabelle Leghorns Split to brown leghorn that are RC.
Bamadude and 1kluckychik are headed to Huntsville Feb 19-20, and are planning a Tuscaloosa stop.

I was wondering if anyone along their travel route would have hatching eggs:

Any Spitzhauben??? Any color.

Any bantam that lays brown eggs

Any Leghorns that lay large eggs

And yes, I am happy to pay resonable rates through PayPal.

Thanks oodles.

I have White Leghorns, Silver Penciled Wyandotte Bantams and Silkies I also have Bantam Wheaten Ameraucanas too but they lay blue eggs.  I also have Mille Fleur Leghorns and Isabelle Leghorns Split to brown leghorn that are RC. 

Wait a minute!

You have Mille Fleur Leghorns that are RC? And or RC Isabelle splits?????

You SERIOUS?? :th
Please pm me with prices :drool

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