The Middle Tennessee Thread

Are you having any luck on craigslist? I am not, but mine are all roos sooo.... I just put them on a buy it now on BYC we will see.

My two that I am for sure keeping are fighting so I really need them gone ASAP. If I can't rehome them is there anyone close that would be willing to help teach us to process these roos? We will probably skin them cuz we don't eat the skin anyway and it would be easier I would think.
I have gotten a few calls from Craigslist but not like I am used to. I too am thinking of butchering the boys, but I have never had any trouble moving hens its weird!
Are you having any luck on craigslist? I am not, but mine are all roos sooo.... I just put them on a buy it now on BYC we will see.

My two that I am for sure keeping are fighting so I really need them gone ASAP. If I can't rehome them is there anyone close that would be willing to help teach us to process these roos? We will probably skin them cuz we don't eat the skin anyway and it would be easier I would think.

And you could sell those hackle feathers!
Ok just an update on my eggs at Judy's
We went into lockdown this AM and I have 4 silkies out and 1 Showgirl. Woot Woot. At my house I usually hatch on day 20 but day 19 is a bit early for my eggs Maybe Judy's is a bit warmer.

No way I could butcher boys have you tried local auctions or flea markets. When I want/need birds gone that is the route I take if I can not sell any other way or they have DQ's. I have very limited space so once I make up my mind it is gone one way or the other. I have been pretty fortunate rehoming cockerels thank goodness. I cull hard as chicks and have a female line apparently. 1 possible SG blue boy growing up now. He does has some great potential.

Hoping for all pullets for everyone hatching.

Connie stopping by to pick up a few eggs later and talk Chicken. Yay good times ahead and a break from packing.
OMGosh I have 17 out already. Wow! I am gonna be in trouble. I figured some would not be fertile and some were old. This is only day 19. Jeez anyone want some silkies? Tracey, Connie, Cathy, Donna Anyone? Come on you know you do!
What color are they?

Emmalynn and her husband know how to process. I keep telling her she needs to do seminars.
Woot! I'm so excited! I'll be in touch with you soon. Thanks for the reply, and by the way....
from White Bluff!

Hey, Matlock. Do you know when you might be able to come get this EE roo? I need to get him out of here soon before we get a complaint against us. Thanks!

I apologize for not being in touch with you yet. The wife's grandfather has been sick and we've been spending weekends in Indiana. I'll call you in a bit and get something set up.
Sorry again.
Are you having any luck on craigslist? I am not, but mine are all roos sooo.... I just put them on a buy it now on BYC we will see.

My two that I am for sure keeping are fighting so I really need them gone ASAP. If I can't rehome them is there anyone close that would be willing to help teach us to process these roos? We will probably skin them cuz we don't eat the skin anyway and it would be easier I would think.

And you could sell those hackle feathers!

To who?
So at about 3 we had 4 NH from the neighbor out! and 17 or 18 pipping. At 4 4:30 we had a mystery chick hatch. Connie what is she crossed with? It was a big brown eggs with brown spots, the chick is black or blue with a white belly and wing tips????

Then another popped out and is is probably a barred rock from my eggs. Then one of the white eggs with the huge air cell hatched, the other had pipped too. Then the lav split ameraucana hatched and was being pecked by the day olds so they are in a brooder now

Anyway eight out and tons more pipping!

No sorry I don't need anymore babies or breeds! But good luck with the rest!

So I checked on the incubator and someone (grandbaby probably) turned it off
I tuned it back on and will check them in a couple of days
It could have been off all night or just a few hours today
it was 75

The new fuzzy butts are making that easier to swallow.

Now to find picks of NH chicks and see if these look different... I think the do

Thanks for all the well wishes!

And good luck to all hatching!

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