The Middle Tennessee Thread

LOL Hubby and I were just kidding about that the other day... at least we can eat with the chickens and we have spring water. Might have to hide in the woods with the chickens but we could make it!
Happy New Year everyone!
Sorry I have been MIA for a while too! Sick as a dog! Starting to get better. I had a NYD hatch also
Got 3 exchequer leghorns (out of 10 but all pullet/cockrell eggs, the very first ones she layed) 5/6 Splash Marans (mine) and 6 Splash from another BYC'er so pretty happy. It was a weird drawn out hatch still had some drying in the bator this AM.
Tish good for you on the new place but please come to the tread often.
I don't comment often but read most days, really enjoy all of you and love this community. I am starting this year with a goal to find even a tiny bit of joy everyday and I want you all to know I find some here with you all often.
God Bless and Wishes for a great year for us all!
How funny is it that the lead story on Channel 5 news, with the Iowa vote today, was the chicken law in Nashville! It passed if you missed it. They didn't say anything about a $50 fee either. I never knew it was changed or eliminated. The Nashville web site says chickens are allowed. Sounds like the law is the same as the one I have seen. 6 Chickens, no roos based on size of lot.
Who here needs a couple of Silver Spangled Bantam hens? I no longer raise them, only kept the two around for company for my Granny hen that I lost yesterday. So, now its time for these two girls to go some where they can be used for breeding.

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