The Middle Tennessee Thread

Yes! He is so cute he has just started to display with the big boys. He has the regular yearling tail and no train yet but he doesnt have a mirror and thinks he looks like this
Welcome!! I'm in Manchester too....City Girl has some nice birds and she's in the boro....there is a guy in woodbury that sells RIR he sells on craigslist. :welcome

We live in Manchester, TN and are interested in starting to raise chickens and guineas. The problem is that most every place we have looked has minimum order of 15 to 25. We are wanting to start small but with several different breeds and tht seems pretty hard to find.

When we found this site we thought maybe we could find a local source!

So, does anyone have female Buff Orpington, Ameraucana or easter eggers, Rhode island Red, and Guineas. We are idealy hoping to get two of each chicken bread and four guineas.

We are excited to start raising them after reading how much everyone on here seems to love them!

I hope someone nearby has some so we can get started soon.
Thanks, SportTees!

I got some pictures this past Sunday.

Fred the cat came over to the run and all the chickies dashed over to see what he was doing. It was hysterical!

This guy still needs a home. He's going to be a strappin' lad when he is full size. He has a black female that goes with him. Anybody need a couple of silkies? :)
Welcome!! I'm in Manchester too....City Girl has some nice birds and she's in the boro....there is a guy in woodbury that sells RIR he sells on craigslist.


I have just a few RIR chicks. I have someone that ordered 4 and I don't think they have asked for more yet. I hatched 3 last week and 9 or 11 the last hatch. I will not have anymore, since I sold my RIR flock
Donna - So I candled tonight and have 7 eggs growing. Only one of the SLW was good. Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to take some pics of mom. She's been a good one. Flat and has done a great job on the nest.

I was able to locate some pullets here locally as well. If anyone is looking for any Red Stars, BR, White Leghorn, Australorps or Buff Orps let me know. I found someone who has some decent birds just outside of M'boro.
Donna - So I candled tonight and have 7 eggs growing. Only one of the SLW was good. Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to take some pics of mom. She's been a good one. Flat and has done a great job on the nest.

I was able to locate some pullets here locally as well. If anyone is looking for any Red Stars, BR, White Leghorn, Australorps or Buff Orps let me know. I found someone who has some decent birds just outside of M'boro.

Great! I hope the SLW is a pullet for you. He lost his roo so I have to grow him up one. I think I may have a roo if so he can have him. I am getting some eggs from him next week and going to hatch him a new flock from that batch of eggs.

My broodies are doing a great job too!
Thanks, SportTees!

I got some pictures this past Sunday.

Fred the cat came over to the run and all the chickies dashed over to see what he was doing. It was hysterical!

This guy still needs a home. He's going to be a strappin' lad when he is full size. He has a black female that goes with him. Anybody need a couple of silkies? :)

I wouldnt mind them:]
Mom loves the silkies.
What are you asking for them?
lI have three beautiful cockerals looking for homes, One Rhode Island Red, A sex link/marans cross and a full blooded Bev davis and wade lines Black copper maran cockeral. He is a beaut and is good tempered.
I have one that looks just like that. It might be a hen. Still on the fence about it.

So far I have to meet one person in Sparta after 12 and haven't reached the other person. We are not going to the Dickson show after all so Saturday will be the day.

BTW did you ever get any peacock eggs or are the dogs still finding them first
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