The Middle Tennessee Thread

Anne- Glad to hear he is getting to go home. Did you ask about the TENS unit?

I know, whatever you need you won't hatch. Speaking of which, Welsummer eggs from Bethel Plantation hatched and they are all....wait for it.....BOYS. So if you need a possibly really good boy, let me know. I am going to let them grow out to see breast and hackle feather color but I am sure there will be more than one keeper if you are interested. She has some really nice stock.

My English Orp chicks are getting huge. Actually they were huge when they hatched but they are monsters now. I will have to get a picture up. The blues all have the most beautiful lacing on their feathers.
i have muscovys due to hatch may 6th and again may 9th and a hen thats sitting on 22 eggs due late may. oh you need at least two. they like company. l.o.l.
Lori- He tried the TENS thing and it didn't seem to help. They tried several times with no luck. Steroids seem to be the way to go. It screws with his blood sugar big time, but does seem to help his back.

Keep me posted on the wellie boys. I got three boys from your eggs so hopefully at least one will turn into a pretty boy. They are certainly nosy little things. I've been bribing them with yogurt at night and they all come running to hop up on my arm. :)
Are there any sales soon I so need to sell some chicks. And since I just set 130 more eggs I need to make room. I keep telling myself half are Roos......
Anybody here interested in a pair of Cream Legbars or Rhodebars?  Or some Swedish Flower Hen roosters?

Donna - I don't know of any sales.  Sorry.  :) 

I think when I get my computer up and running again I will just slash my prices to sell them asap
BigDawg- I just need one because I have one lone gosling.

Anne- sorry to hear that the TENS option didn't work but I am very glad that something was found that did. Mom and Dad are diabetic and steroids really mess them up, so I can sympathize. Hopefully he won't have any problems and things will resolve quickly to where he doesn't need any medication. I always hate being sick and am a horrible patient. I know he has to be so glad to get to go home and sleep in his own bed.

Happy to hear that the chicks are a boisterous bunch. We will have to compare Wellie pictures later on and maybe do some swapping. I was really admiring the father to your chicks this evening. We were out planting in the garden before the rain comes into the area and he was strutting his stuff in the yard. I will get some good pictures of him and post them.

Emma is jumping for joy over getting some eggs from Chooks Chicks so hopefully she can add to her Wellie flock. She is slightly irritated with my geese right now because they will steal any eggs they can to sit on and end up crushing them before she gets them gathered up. She says when the geese are in their new pen, she will start gathering another group for you.

The guinea eggs are starting to hatch. We have 2 lovely little lavendar pied babies and 10 more eggs to go. They are in staggered groups but should have everyone out by the middle of next week. That of course would mean an empty incubator but Chooks Chicks eggs should fix that problem perfectly. We have some guinea eggs we bought coming in and a few call duck ones hopefully so the brief moment of thinking about turning the incubator off has passed. Whew that was a close one.

Becky- Any luck catching that peacock?

To all--- Have a great weekend!!!

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