The Middle Tennessee Thread

Hey everybody my sweet little silkie just went broody for the first time! I would love to let her hatch out some eggs but currently we have no rooster. If anyone has any fertile bantam eggs for sale please PM me with breed and price. Just looking for about 6 I think. Thanks. Also include your location.

I have 2 Barred Rock Bantam eggs now see how many I get in the next few days I will give them to you
Sam so glad you had a good hatch. They are your chicks to do with as you see fit. Let me know when you eant some sbel too.

Sorry i have not been on much. I left my hubby sunday morning. We r still trying to get some normalcy in our life. I dont have internet or cable yet so out of touch for the most part.

Lori sorry you are having problems and i hope i have not contributed since i have not pick up my birds. People have just been strange this year.....idk why.
Donna, I hope this is a temporary thing for you. I'm sorry everyone is having a rough year selling birds & eggs. Remember their yours to do with as you please,but once you sell them you have no control over what is said or done with them. Don't let a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch. I pray everyone has a better second half of the year.
Matlock, that's different. I have given eggs and birds away to all sorts of people. I have also cut deals for nice people (especially kids). It is the ones who get snarky because they think they deserve a deal or because, as Lori said, they want to be breeders themselves but don't want the up front costs. It all comes down to attitude.
I admit that my attitude about this has gotten worse over time. While i have met a ton of really fun, interesting people along the way, I've also been screwed by those that know better (mostly those in the chicken community). It is frustrating and disheartening.
I worked in a customer service call center years ago. It was the ideal job for a student -- benefits at 30 hours and flexible schedules. But dealing with unhappy person after unhappy person is draining. There are some folks who are entirely unreasonable and even abusive. They are the ones who make you want to quit and I suspect they are like that in their personal relationships and are generally wanting others to be as miserable as they are. But, then there are all of those others who only have a need and who ask for help politely and thank you for your assistance. Those folks needed me there and, frankly, I needed my paycheck. Not sure how much I'd put up with for a hobby. But, I hope that when one my gals gets the broody itch, somebody here will help me scratch it with some eggs. I was sure happy to get some grown pullet breeder culls to add to the layer flock when I needed them.
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Sam so glad you had a good hatch. They are your chicks to do with as you see fit. Let me know when you eant some sbel too.

Sorry i have not been on much. I left my hubby sunday morning. We r still trying to get some normalcy in our life. I dont have internet or cable yet so out of touch for the most part.

Lori sorry you are having problems and i hope i have not contributed since i have not pick up my birds. People have just been strange this year.....idk why.

Oh Donna - I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time. You're in my prayers and thoughts.
Girls girls remember the good forget the bad.

My daughter says I'm too nice - and that people take advantage. She said when someone complained I should've replied, "Too bad. You agreed to the risk when you bought the eggs. End of discussion." Instead I try to be nice, and I send more eggs and/or give refunds.

In one ad I placed last fall, I wrote that the eggs I was selling would be those laid on specific dates: For example, October 1-5. I had the actual dates listed in the ad. At the time, I used a pencil each day to write the date on the eggs. As soon as the woman received the eggs, she fired off an email to me threatening to leave negative feedback because she received "old" eggs. The eggs were from the exact dates I had listed in the ad - which were the days immediately before I shipped the eggs to her. Still - I refunded her money just to shut her up. In order not to have that issue come up again, I just stopped writing the date on eggs.

That - and the complaint last week from the woman that only got 4 chicks from a batch of eggs I sent her are the only complaints I've ever had. But I hate dealing with that kind of thing. I get anxious about it and worry about it. It completely sucks the joy out of me. There's not enough money in selling hatching eggs to put up with it. I try to concentrate on the people who write and tell me about their great hatches and cute chicks. Still those two negative responses bothered me too much.
One of my Cream Legbar hens is broody - sitting on a clutch of eggs that are due to hatch by Friday. She has been such a devoted broody. I'm eager to see how many chicks she ends up with.
Hey everybody my sweet little silkie just went broody for the first time! I would love to let her hatch out some eggs but currently we have no rooster. If anyone has any fertile bantam eggs for sale please PM me with breed and price. Just looking for about 6 I think. Thanks. Also include your location.

I have 2 Barred Rock Bantam eggs now see how many I get in the next few days I will give them to you

Thanks so much. Your little barred rocks are very handsome birds!

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