The Middle Tennessee Thread

Havent seen you in awhile! No i dont think i will be taking on that project. Tintennessee could do that...... not me lol
Yea it's been awhile. Sorry to hear about your troubles. We have been married for 19 years. We spent the first 13 years of it in the Navy. It was kind of nice to have the short breaks while he was out to sea. Home comings where always grand affairs. It would take a week or 2 to get use to a new routine. I have always taken care of the bills and the day to day stuff. When he would come back I would have a honey do list. I was a Seabee so I never went out to sea. Then about 12 years in we started thinking we where getting older and time is not a woman's friend. So, We had to chose Navy or kids. Being around other members pulling kids around the world didn't seem to be for us. At the 12 year mark we had our first and then he got out of the Navy. 18 months later came the 2nd. Then we moved out of Norfolk back down to my area SE,TN. We still have the same set up as in the Navy. I do the bills and the day to day stuff. He gets the yard, garbage and handyman stuff. I'm a type B he is a type A so the systems works well. The only time we clash is when I poke my nose in his area or vise versa. As with any couple we do have our up's and downs. Talking about the problem with each other is key. Being a male he dose not understand hints or read my mind. It took me a while to figure that one out LOL. So as long as I tell him directly hey I want a birdbath and not say you know wouldn't a birdbath look good under that tree? Woman in general make things difficult for men. We expect them to do as we think not as we say. As long as you can sit and hear each other out without yelling your golden. Good luck!
I am a VFW Veteran of foreign War and for the last twenty years have become more and more angry about the loss of the meaning of Memorial Day.. I have a day set aside for my part, Nov 11 But the day for those who died for their country has been turned into a weinny roast. I'll wait till the 30Th (traditional) and think about those I've known who gave their all for the USA. We owe them at least ONE DAY of remembrance
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I am a VFW Veteran of foreign War and for the last twenty years have become more and more angry about the loss of the meaning of Memorial Day.. I have a day set aside for my part, Nov 11 But the day for those who died for their country has been turned into a weinny roast. I'll wait till the 30Th (traditional) and think about those I've known who gave their all for the USA. We owe them at least ONE DAY of rememb
I agree... and it is sad...
I am a VFW Veteran of foreign War and for the last twenty years have become more and more angry about the loss of the meaning of Memorial Day..  I have a day set aside for my part, Nov 11  But the day for those who died for their country has been turned into a weinny roast.   I'll wait till the 30Th (traditional) and think about those I've known who gave their all for the USA.  We owe them at least ONE DAY of remembrance

As the father of a currently active Marine who lost to many friends over two deployments I understand your train of thought. However I believe Memorial Day is also a good time to remember those who are currently or have served in our military. My son is getting ready for another deployment, & I take any & all opportunity to tell him I'm proud of him & thank him for his service. I also extend the same to any former or current member of our military. The old saying " all gave some, some gave all" pretty much sums it up for me. If you served I owe you something i can never repay, if your father, mother, son or daughter died during their service our entire country owes you all the respect, sympathy & prayers we can muster!!! Along with something I can never repay. I'd like to take this time to thank each & everyone who is serving, has served or gave all serving for allowing myself & my family to live a life of freedom. From me & mine to you & yours THANK YOU !!!!_
We must agree to disagree I pray nightly for your child and every other warrior and hope that November 11 becomes their day too. This day is set aside for those who died for their country. 11/11/11 eleventh month eleventh day eleventh hour is for us who survive Rspectfully butch
So anyone in the Chattanooga area want a kitten. We found 2 in the dumpster last night. Look to be about 6 weeks old. Both have runny noses and matted eyes. I keep wiping the eyes with warm water and cloth to keep them open. Hiss and Spit are their names. That is all they do. I did get a good bite from one of them. I live on a 1 lane private dirt road yet someone felt it a good idea to drop off kittens and the mama. I have to catch her next or I'll be up to my knees in cats. I just don't understand people sometimes.
So anyone in the Chattanooga area want a kitten. We found 2 in the dumpster last night. Look to be about 6 weeks old. Both have runny noses and matted eyes. I keep wiping the eyes with warm water and cloth to keep them open. Hiss and Spit are their names. That is all they do. I did get a good bite from one of them. I live on a 1 lane private dirt road yet someone felt it a good idea to drop off kittens and the mama. I have to catch her next or I'll be up to my knees in cats. I just don't understand people sometimes.
They are adorable. I hope you find a good home for them.
As the father of a currently active Marine who lost to many friends over two deployments I understand your train of thought. However I believe Memorial Day is also a good time to remember those who are currently or have served in our military. My son is getting ready for another deployment, & I take any & all opportunity to tell him I'm proud of him & thank him for his service. I also extend the same to any former or current member of our military. The old saying " all gave some, some gave all" pretty much sums it up for me. If you served I owe you something i can never repay, if your father, mother, son or daughter died during their service our entire country owes you all the respect, sympathy & prayers we can muster!!! Along with something I can never repay. I'd like to take this time to thank each & everyone who is serving, has served or gave all serving for allowing myself & my family to live a life of freedom. From me & mine to you & yours THANK YOU !!!!_

Thank you.

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