The Middle Tennessee Thread

Anyone have any bantam ameraucanas? I'm looking for a couple of pullets for my little roo but would consider chicks or hatching eggs too if that's all that's available. PM me if you have any please. Also may be interested in bantam EEs or OEs if available. Thanks.
Picked up these two girls at the feed store they are called cinnamon queens. Really just went in for a water for my bantam chicks and well I come out with two more lol.
I just posted about my chicken that is sick in the emergency area. If any of yall read it and can help, please let me know. This is my first "sick' chick and I am a little flustered about what to do!
I just posted about my chicken that is sick in the emergency area. If any of yall read it and can help, please let me know. This is my first "sick' chick and I am a little flustered about what to do!
Lost my first fluffy butt last night. I did all I could but she just did not make it. Wow...she was one that would not let you touch her much less hold her unless you got her off the roost so for her to let me hold her to syringe feed her and clean that gunk out as much as I could was the warning to me that she was in much worse shape than I thought.
Now, I need advice on what I should do about cleaning/sanitizing and taking care of the other chickens. If this happens to you, what do you do? Other than roosting, she only had one other chicken she would get close to her. She did not want to be touched (one of the reasons her name was Skitzy) and would run away from humans and peck the other chickens if they came too close. All of the chickens use the same coop and run so I thought I would get some advice about cleaning their home since Skitzy got sick and died.
we were actually told our fat white chicken "Dumplin" was a leghorn.  She does waddle but has very thick fat legs.  She seems to do ok but is slower than the other chickens.  She even sounds somewhat like a goose instead of a chicken.  Our boss chicken seems to peck at the fatty a lot.  She is a sweet chicken but does not like to be handled at all.  We sorta figured when she began getting so much bigger than the others that we would eat her first...hence the name dumpling...chicken and dumplings are Elijah's favorite!

Definitely not a Leghorn! I feel so badly for folks who go in to get chicks that will be good laying hens and end up with meaties. I'm glad you're OK with it. Did the feed store mislabel or was the Leghorn ID made as a guess on a fuzzy yellow chick?

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