The Middle Tennessee Thread

Question for those of you who raise Ameraucanas:

I have three chicks (from ordered/hatched eggs) that are now about 10 weeks old. One or two are Roos....I just haven't been able to determine for sure. Anyway, I cant keep the Roos, but before I get rid of them, I wanted to throw them in with my two Marans girls to hopefully get some OEs. Here's my what age do Ameraucana Roos start covering girls?

And second question: what's the fastest way to determine sex? I have a splash that I am sure is a pullet, and two that look kinda like a Robin that I thought were Roos, but only one's comb is developing more rapidly (but he doesn't seem to be getting any roo hackle or saddle feathers). I'm so confused!
My heart is broken...TSC is out of pullets. I don't think they're getting anymore in and I didn't get mine fast enough. Anyone on here have less than 2 week old sex links for sale? Looking for about 6. Will spend around $20...

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