The Middle Tennessee Thread

Let me see if I can help with what I do. My breeding pens coops are all 4x4.... they just sleep in it and lay eggs. I don't go for the idea that they need X amount of space to sleep they huddle up to each other on the roost and only use half the roost. If you can make the coop have a wire floor that would be good. Some of mine have wire floors some are just solid with plastic or roofing material on the floor for easy cleaning.

My runs have been gravel from our creek. It has worked OK for a couple of years but need to be cleaned out a couple of times a year. I will NEVER use pine shaving or straw or anything like that. It causes a layer that is almost waterproof and just makes a slick mess if it gets wet. I am going to replace the runs with sand. Hoping it will drain a little better and be easier to clean. I do add some hydrated lime when I clean the pens.

I have some homemade feeders that hold about 50lbs of feed and some that are litter buckets size. They are in ALL my pens, even the chicks. They are great so I don't have to feed everyone everyday. Same with water either a litter bucket or a water system.

CHICKS have been the hardest to figure out the best way to keep them. I am SOLD right now on wire floors. The wire lets the poop fall through and makes easier cleaning. Chicks are a lot healthier. In 2+ seasons of using them I have only had a few losses to cocci. NOTHING like what I would have if they were on pine. The pine would get wet and kill chicks when they got cold and I just don't see that with the wire floors. I tried sand with chick.... nasty mess. Tried pellets they were just as bad as shavings. Maybe it is the volume of chicks I hatch but NOTHING else worked with chicks.

I use the wire floors on my pens inside and it works great for them too..... just don't use chicken wire. I use hardware cloth on the chicks pens but don't use that for LF birds.... the poop will not fall through for big birds. Still looking for the fix on the wire floor for big birds.

I have had fly issues. I didn't know what to use to keep them under control. I got some quick bait (that is not spelled like it is on the label) last year. WORKS great BUT it is toxic to chickens so don't let them get in it. I put it out on feed bags and crack an egg open on the feed bag to attract the flies.... kills them QUICK. Sticky fly traps all over too but have to change them often. I have an exterminator friend and he came and sprayed outside with something that was safe for chickens and that cut ALL the bug way down. He said he would come back once a month and spray to help keep them under control.

Did I answer everything? I have covered runs if that helps any.

But that's got my wheels a turnin' :he
It completely skews some of my building plans for this weekend, but has given me some ideas....mostly with the chick issue. I need to go scratch my head and think for a while, be back later...;)

P.S. Thanks for the tip about the quick bait...I did buy some last year after you suggested it somewhere else. I was unsure how to use it so I just put it in a little cup, way up in the corner on top of a post. Will have to try the egg trick....
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Anyone have a few Easter Egger or Americana hatching eggs? I'm in Readyville/Murfreesboro. Just need about 4

Try Ann (Citygirlinthecountry)....she's in the boro area and probably has both. I got some EE eggs from her in Mar...and my babies are GORGEOUS! The are dark blue with nice black legs. Here's an old pic...not the best, still in her baby molt but you get the picture (that's her in the background)

1) how large are your coops vs. how many birds? I know you have a "few", I don't really do projects or have breeding pens--just several yard ornaments (which has lately grown to several dozen, YIKES!
2) do you put down pellets once and forget it for the year, or put down a base layer and add a little throughout the year ?
3) do you supplement with anything...PDZ, DE, etc?
4) do you have any wetness or fly problems?

I'm having a problem with my chick situation....I've got too many. They have taken up residence in my "feed room" front section of my coop which has a sand floor. Well, HAD a sand floor. It's now a chick-feed-floor! I'm going to be integrating a brooder into the inside of my coop this weekend and am wondering what to use for the brooder part....I don't think the sand is going to work. I'm going to have to use something else---Koop Clean (if I can find it), pine shavings, or pellets. I don't think I will ever have this many babies at once I will continue to use true chick feeders for future batches of babies. I just had to switch to a big girl feeder because I have so many--hence the wasted feed problem.
I have several plus a brooder. My houses range from 6x12 to 3x6.

I have sections for everything lol. Chicks that come out of the brooder go in the chick section. One in front. No roosting poles because they usually never use them at that age. Once they get too big they go in the far right corner. That's the juvenile section. Then once they are ready to lay pullets go in the front section and cockerels in the back.The 2 on the left are breeding pens. Have 2 more to go. Mine also stay outside all day except to roost or lay. Except the younger birds. They do like to nap inside sometimes.

As for food waste. Once they go outside I wet there feed. That way when they stand in it and scratch which they will, they cant throw it all over. Plus if I have hens or anybody billing food all over the ground I will take there bowl out until the feed on the ground is eaten. Then the bowl goes back in. Old timer told me if they r throwing feed all over you r filling it up before they need it.

And for the laying pullets hens cockerels and roosters I use the hanging mini goat troughs. Those work great. Just dont over fill them.

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