The Middle Tennessee Thread

I went to Edwards against my better judgement.

Pluses: This time, they didn't try to convince me that my chicks were going to die if I used unmedicated feed. The tag says that it's unmedicated starter with 21% protein, 5% fat. The lot date is March 10th and it smells fresh. $10.95/50#.

Minuses: It's NOT crumble. It looks like beach sand with cracked corn stirred in. I'd be very hesitant to feed it to young chicks with the size of the corn but at 7-8 weeks, it will do for mine. I expect that I'll have to moisten to keep them from just picking​ through it, though. It doesn't say anything about Tucker on the label and once again, I don't feel like I got what I asked for.
OMG. I called Edwards and the lady who answered acted like she'd never heard of it and the guy she asked wanted to know who was asking and she said, "I don't know. A lady." The phone went silent for long enough for me to think she'd hung up and then just beeped repeatedly like the call had been transferred. Finally she came back on and said, "Yes, we have it". Is there a secret handshake or a code word involved? Do they not sell feed every single day?
I bought it today there. It should not be that difficult. Tim (the owner) and I have gone round and round about the "virtues" of medicated feed. Personally, I hate the stuff and do not EVER use it. My rare breeds do not do well on it. There are more people than me that buy non-medicated, cause someone in front of me a few weeks ago bought a pallet of it. Sorry you had that difficulty. They keep it in the back warehouse and it almost IS like a secret handshake to get it. I am going to see how it ferments when I get my act together, hopefully in this lifetime. I've been mixing it with kefir for my meaties. Those little piggys love it! I have never had meat birds and they are a new experience.
I went to Edwards against my better judgement.

Pluses: This time, they didn't try to convince me that my chicks were going to die if I used unmedicated feed. The tag says that it's unmedicated starter with 21% protein, 5% fat. The lot date is March 10th and it smells fresh. $10.95/50#.

Minuses: It's NOT crumble. It looks like beach sand with cracked corn stirred in. I'd be very hesitant to feed it to young chicks with the size of the corn but at 7-8 weeks, it will do for mine. I expect that I'll have to moisten to keep them from just picking through it, though. It doesn't say anything about Tucker on the label and once again, I don't feel like I got what I asked for.
Tuckers is different. They do have Tuckers non-GMO feed, but IDK about in starter. I bought the Tuckers 22% Super layer today. Once again a 'somewhat secret' handshake is involved. I am glad to meet you up there and help in any way I can. I have developed a working relationship with them, because they are the only game in town. Going to Bonnie's burns up most of a day, but I HAVE done that too. It wont hurt your babies, but there is too much waste. I have taken Tim (owner) on about that too. He says he doesn't grind as fine as he used to. Can't prove it by me. Bonnie's is friendlier for sure.
I get my Tuckers at Bonnies Barnyard in Arrington.  IDK how far that is but might be closer to you.  It is pellets for the free range and layer.  The chick starter is not a mash like Edwards it is like that bran cereal ... not powder but has some substance.  I think the 22% sells for like $12 or less and the chick starter is about the same.  The free range is like $9.  I don't buy anything else so not sure on other prices.  Call them they are great and will help you with personality. 

Lol thats actually super convenient to me right now. I'm in the process of moving from Manchester to Fayetteville so I go right through Arrington at least twice a week. I'm going to get some of their chick starter. I saw where they make a 16% layer pellet too. Have you ever used it and is the 22 noticeably better? Thanks!
When I went that first time 7 years ago, they insisted that they didn't have unmedicated chick feed because chicks die in this area without it. I told them I was putting the chickens on property that hadn't housed chickens in at least 20 years and they said it didn't matter, the chicks would die. It's a "huge problem here". So, I finally relented and got their feed which they said had no antibiotics, only a coccidiostat. The guy couldn't tell me which one but he thought probably Amprolium. It wasn't until I went to unload that I noticed a blue tag disclosure for feed containing an antibiotic (Bactrim, I think?) sewed into the seam. I was livid and went right back to the store to tell them they'd given me the wrong bag. I did get my money back but it wasn't easy because they laid the blame on the employee and didn't seem to grasp the concept that they are responsible for statements made by their employees. The guy was right there admitting it. They said they couldn't restock feed that had left the premises so I told them to donate it and left it on the curb. So, yeah, 7 years between visits and never a positive experience.

Oh, and I ended up getting Flockraiser at Bonnie's when I got the chicks so I've never used medicated either. Somehow, they've never had a sign of Coccidiosis.
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OMG. I called Edwards and the lady who answered acted like she'd never heard of it and the guy she asked wanted to know who was asking and she said, "I don't know. A lady." The phone went silent for long enough for me to think she'd hung up and then just beeped repeatedly like the call had been transferred. Finally she came back on and said, "Yes, we have it". Is there a secret handshake or a code word involved? Do they not sell feed every single day?
They had a lot of new faces the last time I was there.... IDK that they sell much other than their own.
I went to Edwards against my better judgement.

Pluses: This time, they didn't try to convince me that my chicks were going to die if I used unmedicated feed. The tag says that it's unmedicated starter with 21% protein, 5% fat. The lot date is March 10th and it smells fresh. $10.95/50#.

Minuses: It's NOT crumble. It looks like beach sand with cracked corn stirred in. I'd be very hesitant to feed it to young chicks with the size of the corn but at 7-8 weeks, it will do for mine. I expect that I'll have to moisten to keep them from just picking through it, though. It doesn't say anything about Tucker on the label and once again, I don't feel like I got what I asked for.
Tuckers comes in its own bag. It is CLEARLY marked Tuckers. Sounds like you got Edwards feed.... It comes in a white bag with blue and red writing that says EDWARD.
Quote: It is all I use. My marans didn't really do as well as I thought years ago and I read that they need more protein than other breeds so I took the plunge and never looked back. ALL my birds just do better. Eggs hatch better, ship better.... just better all the way around. I like Edwards feed and use it in a pinch. The Tuckers feed is just better period since it is MEAT based and not soy or corn.
It is all I use.  My marans didn't really do as well as I thought years ago and I read that they need more protein than other breeds so I took the plunge and never looked back.  ALL my birds just do better.  Eggs hatch better, ship better.... just better all the way around.  I like Edwards feed and use it in a pinch.  The Tuckers feed is just better period since it is MEAT based and not soy or corn. 

Well that seals it, I'll just get the 22% since Marans are my big project right now and I want to avoid soy. Looks like Tucker's for the win :lol:
Awesome, I have learned so much about our local feed opportunities! And it is great to hear the testimonials as well as expertise. I think I will try Tucker's and maybe test it verses Johnnie's.

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