The Middle Tennessee Thread

Thanks, that's exactly my reasoning. I only have 5 hens and a 4x8 interior, I don't feel like that's enough body heat.
Well, Tracy, clearly you need more hens.

I make mine tough it out with no heat. I have no outside plugs so to heat the coops would mean extension cords running out of the windows of the house. My luck I'd burn the house down. It has never been a problem, even with the near zero temps we got last winter. The silkies all pile up in a happy mound. The other coops just snuggle in close together and hunker down. All of my coops have 2x4s laid flat, so they can tuck their toes up under them with no problems. I noticed this morning that everybody has gotten all fat and fluffy. I love fat, fluffy hens.

I have silkie eggs in the bator. Whoohoo!! I'm trying to hold off another day before I candle. Tomorrow will be day seven. Fingers crossed that a decent number hatch. This lot is a mix of buffs, splash, BBS and black/lav splits. I also tossed three ameraucana eggs in there just to see what happens. I have a new rooster in that pen. I'm hoping for lots of splash babies this season.

Life is a little nuts right now. I'm working on the Nashville Shakespeare Festival's winter series show. We are doing Julius Caesar with former Titan's running back Eddie George as Caesar. He's actually quite good. Y'all should come see it. It's loads of fun.
Donna- Yep we can butcher just don't have the time or energy
so many are culled from breeding early and I hate to feed them long enough to butcher and hey every $ helps on the feed bill you know. I am getting ready to sort my hens and only keep the cream of the crop so maybe I can get some of the roos out in pairings. I need them to start laying again so I can make the cut on egg color, the hens I have kept so far are nice just need to see color for the breeding pen cuts.
Holly- You are so bad.. I am so glad I am allergic to buns because you would have me hook, line, and sinker! Those babies are sooooo cute.
Nick- Sure wish I could afford that cabinet bator I would grab it in a minute. I have got to get one built. My main problem is trying to figure out the turning issue.
Good Morning and have a great day to everyone it is supposed to be a beauty!
CityGirl- I definitely think I have space for 2-3 more. I'm planning on a few Easter Egger chicks in the sponge, hoping I can time it so that my hens can raise them. Don't want to do the melding into flock thing ever again. I haven't had any issues besides having an outcast
. My four original girls refuse to accept the 5th, they peck her and chase her any time she's near
. She had 2 friends that turned out to me Roos, so has ended up a loner. Stinker is the unfriendliest chicken I've ever seen, so it's not like I can even provide comfort for her.

So fingers crossed one of my girls goes broody this spring and I chick order timing goes well!!!
That's what I have done...culled down to the best.Not nearly as many eggs but hopefully better chicks and the feed bill is so much nicer this winter.I' also going to work with my broodies more now we have so many and keep that electric bill down.My bill has gone down about $100 a month turning off the heat lamps
I know..not fair but I have to surround myself in cuteness only thing I have kaying are my MFC's and they are all under broodies so maybe soon I'll have chicks to go with the buns
. Until then....oh more baby buns coming today
Tracy, if you have a broody why don't you just put eggs under her? That way there is no worry of rejection from the mama and they will naturally integrate into the flock as they grow. Plus hatching is fun!
Surely one of us on here with EEs will have fertile eggs when you get a broody.
I do if you need them... in fact I have them all packed up to mail. I had 3 ee and the rest of the doz are EE x Leghorns. If you need them PM me or we are going to eat them
You're right, Countrypunk, it does feel like spring this morning! All my birds are active, too. Had to turn on the pen spotlights, though, since it keeps getting overcast, then sunny, then overcast....

CityGirl, good to hear from you! Enabling again, I see.
I must agree though, Tracyree definitely needs more hens in that coop. I also agree that a broody raising the chicks is the best way to integrate into the flock. Y'all don't tempt me on all this chick stuff in January! I just know we're in for some nasty weather one of these days, and it's just too early for me to worry about chicks.

Holly, nice buns, LOL!
Sounds like they are keeping you busy.

The warm weather this week had me out in the garden tearing things down and getting ready for spring. Have a whole pile of semi-composted chicken bedding sitting out there now waiting to be tilled into the soil. Just . . . can't . . . seem . . . to . . . put my . . . .coffee . . . down . . . and walk . . . out . . . to . . . the . . . ughhhhh . . . garden . . . and . . . start . . . . tilling. . . (sigh)
I am hatching over a 12 EE x Leghorn chicks and I am going to be selling some. They go into lock down today and another batch in a week. If anyone NEED some chicks PM. I have unexpectedly been inundated with hatching eggs. I got 4 doz hatching eggs ( I need them so I must hatch them ) and another 1 1/2 Marans coming and I have about 4 doz in the bator now.
I didn't do this on purpose really

I also have some Marans chicks 6 if anyone needs them.

If I can't sell these soon processing will commence.

Come on guys help a girl out!

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