The Middle Tennessee Thread

Are we having a meet up this Sunday? I know Holly has our cookies. Did we all decide to do lunch or what's the plan? I'm confused.

On another note, a friend who is really into seramas is talking about having a local show for seramas. Would any of you be interested in that? I suggested that he open it up and have a silkie show at the same time. I know a lot of us do silkies. I don't know of many others who do seramas. What do y'all think? Would you go to a serama only show? If he had buy/sell/trade area would you participate? What if there was a fee to sell? He's just trying to figure out how to swing it right now. Give me your thoughts.

Hope everyone survives the wintery mix okay. I drove home in the sleet tonight. It's yucky out there. :(
Hey CityGirl! If there is going to be a Mid-TN chicken folk gathering this weekend, I am game. Lunchtime is better than critter feeding time, but I will make it work whenever - - I would love to see you all again! :)

I agree re. seramas - - I would go to a serama show if it were very close by, but I sense we have a lot more silkie people here, and some really nice birds, too.

Keep me posted re. Sunday, and let me know if I can help in any way! I think you have my cell #.

Have a good day, everyone! It's pretty warm out here in MJ (39), and not as soggy as I would have thought . . .
I haven't been on the site for a bit now :/ been trying to hold things together at home. I got laid off..which is a real big bummer. Selling my jewelry at home just isn't cutting it at all. Before I got my chickens, my husband and I were OTR truck drivers. To make a super long and crazy story short. My parents committed suicide, we needed to take a break from the driving and stress. So we got our property set up and after things were going good got our chicks which I raised up from 4 day old chicks. Then I added two amazing roosters, one is such a cuddle chicken. Now after being unemployed for 3 weeks my husband and I have had to make the tough decision to go back out as OTR drivers. In may we are going back with our company. It leaves us with the very tough task of finding a home for our flock of 17 :( I do not want to give up my chickens at all but finicially we cannont keep up our bills with only my husband working. The chickens pay for themselves so they don't cost us anything but..the land bill and the bills we have plus the fact we cannont finish building our small house, I find it very stressful the DH is working very hard but he cannont keep it up. If anyone is interested in in my entire flock please let me know. I have 4 RIR, 3 BA , 8 BR's 1 well summer roo he's a real gent with the ladies has a perfrenece to solid black chickens and he's just beautiful and huge. 1 rir/glw also a big older roo that is my cuddle chicken, he's a very sweet roo would make an awesome house rooster or just pet. I will separate the roos from the ladies but would prefer to keep all the girls together. 1 BA is my favorite chicken and very bonded to people she loves to be held and will follow us everywhere.
I'm up for food long as there is a place to sit and chines,pizza or something that has chicken in it Meg's good
Jen...I have to sell until noon then pack up so the soonest would be 1-1;30 before I can get there with the cookies and everyone needs cookies

How many extra cases should I bring
There's a Zaxby's on Old Fort. It has chicken. Would that work? In the past we have done Red Robin and they have been great about letting us sit and chat. They probably have chicken too. Other than that I've got nothin'. Any other M'boro folks want to chime in? :)
Can't do sunday, we will be getting back from Newnan. Can't handle another hour on the road each way and to much to catch up with too. Sorry.
Wish I could meet up with you on Sunday. I'll be in Georgia for the weekend and won't head home until mid-afternoon on Sunday. Sorry I didn't order GS cookies from you - but one of my granddaughters is selling them - and we ordered lots from her. Neither DH or I can eat them (well he can't eat them - and I shouldn't) - so we'll donate most of them to the children's hospital. I remember selling them for 50 cents a box when I was a child - of course that was over 50 years ago.
One of my roosters that was slated to process, laid me 2 pretty tiny eggs
The rest are really rooster.
That means I am going to be flooded with eggs pretty soon
Last week I collected 160 eggs. Still none to eat
Donna-meet me tomorrow...Thurs around 2:30 at Rivergate over near Dillards where we met before and I will have you some cookies

Sad news in chickie land...I had him in the basement and without details all I can say is BAD Puddytat
ok also bad hubby that let puddytat follow him down

I'm fine wherewever Sunday..I know its the same as Newnan but I habe no days available during the week until March and no weekends until April with rabbit shows every weekend in March.

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