The Middle Tennessee Thread

Next Sunday would do just as well for me as this one. I'm easy!
Next week would be better for me. One of my coworkers' kids has strep throat and I woke up with a sore throat yesterday and today. On the off chance that there is where I am heading, I would rather not pass it on. Ugg.
I know this is a Middle Tn forum, but I'm from Jackson.
Just wanted to say wassup peeps! and I'm kinda new to
raisin' chickens.. (ameraucana was the breed I decided to start out with)

Ok next Sunxday it is
I have a horrible cold with cough that won't quit and no one wants it I'm sure.Anne..hope you get feeling better as well.
Welcome to BYC, ChickenLeg. This is a great group - and I think there are several others who raise Ameraucanas here.

I know this is a Middle Tn forum, but I'm from Jackson.
Just wanted to say wassup peeps! and I'm kinda new to
raisin' chickens.. (ameraucana was the breed I decided to start out with)

Next Sunday it is. Did we ever land on a time and place?

Holly- I'm not quite sick. I'm just working up to it. I've been downing vitamin C like it's candy, so hopefully I can head it off at the pass. I'm sorry you have the crud. There is something nasty going around that seems to linger. Our office sounded like a TB ward for weeks! I hope you feel better soon as well. That coughing will wear on you.

Welcome to the group, ChickenLeg! It's a fun crowd in here and you are more than welcome to play with us. We'll call Jackson middle TN. :)

News around here- I moved the silkie babies into the large brooder. You would have thought I was ripping their wings off for all the carrying on they did. Silly babies. By the end of the day they were zipping about having a blast. The step-up brooder is larger than the baby brooder and they can actually do a little flying in it. Sadly, it also is easier to kick shavings out of. About half of the shavings are now on the floor. I see a LOT of sweeping in my near future.

The step-up brooder is right next to a window where they can hear and see the main coops. There was a moment when one of the roosters outside crowed and all of the babies froze in place. I think it's the first time they have heard that. They definitely payed attention!
I'll try to get pictures of them tomorrow. The two buffs are looking pretty good. The darker one has a hint of black on its wing tips, but that potentially will molt out. The other one looks great though. I'm hoping it's a rooster. The BBS turned out to be black. The black/lav split turned out to be black with white frosting. It's an interesting looking little thing. I can't decide it is going to be gorgeous full grown or funky. I've never seen one like it at least.

My ameraucana test hatch is mostly done. I got two splash and three blue, with two eggs left. The rooster's fertility isn't at 100%, but he's still young yet. Plus I don't think he is doing the deed yet with all the girls. He's still a little intimidated by the older hens. Poor boy! Hopefully by spring he will man up and do his thing.

The co-op had chicks today (early for chick days there!). They have a new provider this year and I'm not all that impressed. The co-op man and I talked and he wasn't all that impressed either. Theoretically the provider is vent sexing all of the chicks before he brings them in. He told the co-op that all the chicks were female. Since a chunk of them were barred rocks, I am a little suspicious. The ones there looked male to me. Last year's provider was great. I'm a little disappointed in this year. They get a new group on Monday and I hope to run by to check them out. It's supposed to be barred rocks and production reds, both of which are sex-linked. It will be interesting to see anyway.

Everybody stay warm tomorrow. It's supposed to drop again. My poor plants are terribly confused.
The crud is really going around. I started getting sick yesterday - just sore throat/headache/coughing. Nothing major, thank goodness.

I've got some home-grown EE babies that hatched this week - and 5 exchequer leghorn chicks. Oh, and one cute little rumpless Araucana. I've discovered how exciting it is to hatch out eggs from my own flock. I've got more due to hatch over the next two weeks. This hatch is going much better than that last one when I got 7 chicks out of about 70 we set.

Wish I could meet up with everyone next week, but I've got all the chickens I can handle for the time being.

Oh yes - I sold my 3 black copper maran chicks (2 boys and 1 girl) to someone from Craigslist. I decided to sell the girl with the two boys since it would be hard to integrate a single pullet into the laying flock. Now I only have my 11 eight-week old Swedish flower hens in my grow-out pen. 4 of them have crests - such pretty feather patterns.

Hope everyone gets to feeling better. I'm so ready for spring! I'm anxious to hear from Donna about the Newnan event.
Donna would next week be better for you then to meet up..if everyone doesn't mind waiting a week.
But let me know if those 8 boxes are all Samoas so I can make sure I have them with me.
Good luck at the show...

Yes that would work better, and yes samoas.
The crud is really going around. I started getting sick yesterday - just sore throat/headache/coughing. Nothing major, thank goodness.

I've got some home-grown EE babies that hatched this week - and 5 exchequer leghorn chicks. Oh, and one cute little rumpless Araucana. I've discovered how exciting it is to hatch out eggs from my own flock. I've got more due to hatch over the next two weeks. This hatch is going much better than that last one when I got 7 chicks out of about 70 we set.

Wish I could meet up with everyone next week, but I've got all the chickens I can handle for the time being.

Oh yes - I sold my 3 black copper maran chicks (2 boys and 1 girl) to someone from Craigslist. I decided to sell the girl with the two boys since it would be hard to integrate a single pullet into the laying flock. Now I only have my 11 eight-week old Swedish flower hens in my grow-out pen. 4 of them have crests - such pretty feather patterns.

Hope everyone gets to feeling better. I'm so ready for spring! I'm anxious to hear from Donna about the Newnan event.

I thought you were going?

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