The Missing Heir RP

Kira nodded and gathered her things, preparing for the day. She watched Aeron and Karok and moved over to the other bed.
Aeron finished dividing the coins and gestured for Karok & Kira to take their shares, putting the smaller of the them in his own bag. "Well, unless ye two fancy meeting a Mage, I'll be off, won't take me long." Aeron slung in satchel over his shoulder, then his deep green cloak, fastened it and lifted the hood.
Kira shook her head and gathered one pile of coins into her bag and picked up her cloak. "I will go see what they have to eat here." She said then went to the door.
Isabella had signed the parchment before heading to her room. She didn't get a drink knowing she'd drink to much and pass out in there. She loved drinking but once she started she couldnt stop till she was out like a light. She walked up to her room sitting down on her bed pulling off her soft soled boots and threw them into the corner before sprawling out on the bed closing her eyes.

Isabella groaned sitting up, she hadn't slept well the blanket terribly scratchy and the room to cold in her opinion to sleep without it. She rubbed her eyes throwing the blanket off of herself. She looked at her dress. "D*** things, don't even know why I own any, can't do anything in 'em," She grumbled standing up and reaching for her bag to grab a change of clothes.
Isabella groaned sitting up, she hadn't slept well the blanket terribly scratchy and the room to cold in her opinion to sleep without it. She rubbed her eyes throwing the blanket off of herself. She looked at her dress. "D*** things, don't even know why I own any, can't do anything in 'em," She grumbled standing up and reaching for her bag to grab a change of clothes.

Isabella grabbed a tunic, riding pants, and riding leathers. She changed quickly pulling her hair into a high bun sliding her leather helmet on over it. The helmet covered most of her face making it to where anyone looking at her wouldn't be able to identify her gender especially since she was wearing mens garments. She shoved the dress into her bag and headed out of the room slinging the bag over her shoulder heading down stairs.
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Aeron finished dividing the coins and gestured for Karok & Kira to take their shares, putting the smaller of the them in his own bag. "Well, unless ye two fancy meeting a Mage, I'll be off, won't take me long." Aeron slung in satchel over his shoulder, then his deep green cloak, fastened it and lifted the hood.

Karok scooped the coins into his bag and shook the sleep out of his body. He opened the door and held it for his companions. "I shall accompany you, Aeron." The fear of bounty hunters still worried Karok. Maybe he was only paranoid. Still, he thought most about what Aeron needed from a mage.
Outside of a small human village is a beaten path. This winding, tiny trail leads to an old and dilapidated hut. Within this hut lives Agatha the Crone. Many know of her but, few have met her and that's just how she likes it.

Mixing her herbs into concoctions, Agatha was preparing a set of fortune telling runes. Scattered about on tables were her totems, grimoirs and recipies. With practice she has become quite the alchamist but, her true skill is in wielding runes and elements like her mother's before her. As a shaman she is highly respected in Zurian society. To humans she is condemned as a witch. Just a tiny drop... A brew bubbled before her as her gaunt body leaned over the table.
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Kira went down the stairs to see about breakfast and getting something that they could take with them for a later meal as they traveled. She watched Aeron and Karok leave as she settled into a seat at the table, thinking and wondering what could have happened to the princess. She would meet up with the others later, wanting the chance to wander around first.
Karok scooped the coins into his bag and shook the sleep out of his body. He opened the door and held it for his companions. "I shall accompany you, Aeron." The fear of bounty hunters still worried Karok. Maybe he was only paranoid. Still, he thought most about what Aeron needed from a mage.

Aeron smiled, "I'll be glad to have thy company, friend." He was sure Karok thought he was going leave them and wanted to come, so he could prevent that. I am done running, and as long as Karok wilt allow me, I wilt have his back. Aeron thought.
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Isabella sat down at one of the tables dropping her bag beside her. She looked over at Kira and gave a small wave and a half smile on her face.

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