The Missing Heir RP

Aeron nodded again, he knew Kira was right, but the feeling that he'd never find Randel again still hung over him, and it wouldn't lift until the man was dead at his feet...

Lena walked over to them, "Here, let me tend to Malcom's arm," she said to Kira, holding up the roll of blue cloth laying in her open palm.

Kira nodded and looked at Lena then moved back, letting the elf take her place. She glanced to Aeron again then went to clean her hands off. Once her hands were cleaned she went to retrieve her arrows and return them to her quiver
Karok winced from the bandage application. Once finished, he could feel the wrappings soothing the pain. The Zurian replaced his boot, mounted his horse and looked to Aeron. "Shall we pursue the heir?"
"Yea, we may be able to catch her and the Duke before the weather worsens." Aeron replied, looking down the road towards the mountains, he doubted they'd find the princess at all if they didn't in the next week.

Lena finest rapping Aeron's arm, then gave him his sword, which she had laid in the snow. He excepted it, thanked her and slid it back into its sheath. They both mounted up, Lena moving to the back of the group, and Aeron waiting at the front, ready to set off as soon as the others were ready.
Kira moved back to her mare and mounted up, raising her hood once again to cover her hair and features. She looked to Aeron, ready to leave this place when he was. Her mare pranced in placeand shook her mane as they waited for the others to be ready
Isabella pulled herself up on her large stallion. He'd be more likely to push through the snow for her other horses and clear somewhat of a path to make it easier for them to walk through. The stallion snorted tossing his head already wanting to move.
Aeron sighed, then started forward, glancing back at the man called Elis, laying dead in the snow. The crazed man's horse had bolted after the others when Karok knocked him from it, and left behind a wide trail in the snow.

As Lena passed the dead man, she stopped for a moment, then quickly dismounted, and collected his fallen sword and knife. She mounted up again, and continued after the group, strapping the weapons to her saddle.
Nanami rode on for awhile before she finally spoke. "Aileen can't be that far now. She set out only a day before me, and I know she received my signal last night."

Thea nodded, she was still slightly surprised that Nanami's friend was a High elf, but was not opposed to the idea. Her two horses' ears perked up, and the black one that Thea was leading whinnied, as if another horse was close at hand.
Thea nodded, she was still slightly surprised that Nanami's friend was a High elf, but was not opposed to the idea. Her two horses' ears perked up, and the black one that Thea was leading whinnied, as if another horse was close at hand.
Nanami halted her horse and held up a hand signaling Thea to stop. She looked around, as if she were suspecting something. "Aileen, don't eve-" it was to late, Nanami kicked the latch for her horse's settle and it slid down, Nanami hanging upside-down, with a annoyed look on her face. Two imprints of feet with skid-marks appeared next to the horse. A tall ginger elf appeared in the foot marks with an amused smile. "Almost." Nanami dropped off of the saddle onto the ground. "Almost." She confirmed. These two always tried to one-up each other, but neither ever succeeded.
Thea had stopped when Nanami raised her hand, and was extremely confused when the dark elves' saddle slid off the horses back. "Ah, good day." Thea said once Aileen appeared, Wonderful, more invisible elves... She thought with a sigh as her horses' tossed their head in surprise at Aileen's sudden appearance.
Name: Melissa
Age: 18
Gender: F
Personality: bright, fiery, smart, clever,
History: her mother, a high elf fell in love with a lowly human. When she was born, her father was afraid the elves would kill the baby so he took her to live with him
Pic/description: she has chocolate colored hair and bright blue eyes. She is tall, and is good at magic, but she is also strong.
Other: loves chickens!!!!'

(I am so sorry, my memory is bad, please tell me what I am missing)

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