The Missing Heir RP

"Oh," Thea replied simply, surprised by the answer, "that is, obscure..." She smiled, tying to show that she did not mind, which she didn't, though she know little of magic, it did not bother her.
((Sorry guys!))

Agatha, now calmed, placed a hand on Aerons shoulder. "She speaks right my boy. Do not lose the sight of our task." She knew how much it meant to Aeron to find his father but, she hated the anger that dwelled in him.

Karok limped gingerly to his horse. His leg bled but, it seemed to have slowed. He was not sure if Aeron would lead them after the bandits, or if they would pursue the princess. In any case, Karok would follow.
Aeron nodded, knowing Agatha was right, he breathed deeply, trying to slow his thundering heart. His eyes fell on the dead man not far away, then Karok, and his leg, "Art ye alright? Karok." He asked, worried for the Zurian.

Lena spoke up quickly, "Here," she pulled a small roll of blue cloth from her bag, and showed them, "it will heal thy wounds, let me rape thy arm."

"Nay, use it on Karok." Aeron replied,
"I have plenty, let me ripe thy arm, first." She scowled slightly.
"Use it on him first, then." Aeron said forcefully, the Zurian was a better man then he, and Aeron wasn't going to let this elf tend to himself while Karok needed help.

Lena nodded grudgingly, and walked over to Karok, "Let me tend to thy leg."
Kira looked at Arron, keeping pressure on the wound on his arm. "He searches for the princess too. Perhaps when we find her we will find him again." She said softly then dropped her gaze to his arm where she held it.
Karok frowned at Aerons words. The Zurian did not find it honorable to accept aid before his master yet, he had been ordered to do so. Reluctantly, Karok leaned upon the trunk of the fallen tree and removed his heavy boot. Underneath the chain mail, just above his knee, was the gash from Elis's dagger.
"Ye are right, Kira," Aeron replied with a forced half smile. He had a battle raging inside of him, he wanted to make chaise, immediately, but he couldn't. So he tried to convince himself that he'd find his father again, and that time, kill him...

Lena knelt beside Karok, and began raping the blue cloth around the wound on his leg, "It wilt take a few dens to heal, but it wilt take away some of the pain, so ye won't feel it, too much." She said slowly as she finished, then stood. Lena walked to Elis, laying dead, show beginning to cover him. She knelt, and pulled out her arrow from his shoulder, cleaned it quickly in the snow, then walked back towards the group.
"Ye are right, Kira," Aeron replied with a forced half smile. He had a battle raging inside of him, he wanted to make chaise, immediately, but he couldn't. So he tried to convince himself that he'd find his father again, and that time, kill him...

Lena knelt beside Karok, and began raping the blue cloth around the wound on his leg, "It wilt take a few dens to heal, but it wilt take away some of the pain, so ye won't feel it, too much." She said slowly as she finished, then stood. Lena walked to Elis, laying dead, show beginning to cover him. She knelt, and pulled out her arrow from his shoulder, cleaned it quickly in the snow, then walked back towards the group.
Kira smiled and nodded then looked to his eyes again "Even if he does not show up, we can find him after we rescue the princess and get her home again." She said, confident of their success and that they would be able to find his father again.
Isabella watched the others before gripping her stallions reins leading him back to her other two horses. She grabbed another rope from her pack tying the saddles together taking the cut rope from the saddle tossing it in the snow. She pulled the reins over the horses head, the reins resting on his neck.
Kira smiled and nodded then looked to his eyes again "Even if he does not show up, we can find him after we rescue the princess and get her home again." She said, confident of their success and that they would be able to find his father again. 

Aeron nodded again, he knew Kira was right, but the feeling that he'd never find Randel again still hung over him, and it wouldn't lift until the man was dead at his feet...

Lena walked over to them, "Here, let me tend to Malcom's arm," she said to Kira, holding up the roll of blue cloth laying in her open palm.

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