"I found this little one in some tangled up vines, with no sign of her parents. I don't smell any other wolves either, so either her parents are dead, they abandoned her, or she wandered off," Zarro stated.
That's auful he said before leaving"maby you can adopt her ,shell fit in"he smiled before warning tsunami about the wave.(continued...)
Sea breeze saw a big wave coming to tsunami and calmly barked to her with a warning but knew she won't make it out so he stomped his paw on the sand making a small blue explosion like look then the wave stoped and fell down beside tsunami making dozens of smaller ones .he smiled and ran in to her
Sea breeze reached the pack camp and went in his den,he lay on the sand and looked up at the roof opening.he got up and walked to a pond in his den which also had a stream that leads to the sea.he washed his paws and then got out to the sand bedding letting the sand stick to his paws"all better "he mumbled and stomped his paws twice doing the small explosion like glow then the pearls like lamps shone a little glow of white and decorative sea weed on the entrance glew a light mint light...he the lay dawn in the sand and roles over letting the sand fill his fur
Sea breeze reached the pack camp and went in his den,he lay on the sand and looked up at the roof opening.he got up and walked to a pond in his den which also had a stream that leads to the sea.he washed his paws and then got out to the sand bedding letting the sand stick to his paws"all better "he mumbled and stomped his paws twice doing the small explosion like glow then the pearls like lamps shone a little glow of white and decorative sea weed on the entrance glew a light mint light...he the lay dawn in the sand and roles over letting the sand fill his fur
Tsunami finally got back up after a little while, and stumbled back to camp, and it was getting dark, so she accidentally walked into the wrong den, and passed out/fell asleep immediately afterwards, as she was strangely tired.
Sea breeze reached the pack camp and went in his den,he lay on the sand and looked up at the roof opening.he got up and walked to a pond in his den which also had a stream that leads to the sea.he washed his paws and then got out to the sand bedding letting the sand stick to his paws"all better "he mumbled and stomped his paws twice doing the small explosion like glow then the pearls like lamps shone a little glow of white and decorative sea weed on the entrance glew a light mint light...he the lay dawn in the sand and roles over letting the sand fill his fur
(I'm guessing you can figure out WHO'S den it is :p )
Glacier stepped back in surprise when Iora snapped at her. Hmm, must be a loner or something, she thought. She turned to Sea Breeze. "Oh hi! The pups are doing fine.....huh? A pup?" She sniffed the air, there was a hint of the scent of a pup..... "Hmmmm." She sniffed again, but lost the scent. Zarro could smell it, though. He followed his nose to a tangle of vines, and was barely able to make out Mariallana through the dark shadows of the vines. "What are you doing here little pup, you should be with your mother," he said in a harsh voice. He stuck his snout through the vines, picked Mariallana up by the scruff, carried her over to the other wolves, and set her down in front of them. "Well, I found that pup whose scent we picked up a few minutes ago."
She yelped and squirmed trying to get away, she was as skinny as skinny could be. She cried and howled and squirmed but the bigger wolf wouldn’t let go.
Tsunami finally got back up after a little while, and stumbled back to camp, and it was getting dark, so she accidentally walked into the wrong den, and passed out/fell asleep immediately afterwards, as she was strangely tired.
Sea breeze stud up fast "tsunami!?"she yelped,"she's asleep !"she whispered and wind picked her up and put her on a soft place where no wolf lay on nevef so it was really soft

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