The Molt is Officially Here


Let the Spooky Season Begin
BYC Staff
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9 Years
Jul 16, 2015
Wellie, my 7 year old Welsummer is my first official molt for the season, she dropped half her feathers since yesterday. She doesn't actually lay any eggs anymore that I'm aware of so of course she would molt first. Anyone else have hens molting yet? I noticed this past week some hens that are missing feathers from mating are growing their back feathers in too.
I thought I saw some signs of new feathers on a bare back hen.

Once I had a leghorn molt so hard and fast, it looked like a pillow fight in the hen house. She truthfully looked nearly naked, but within a week she was looking grand, shiny fluffy and white.

Mrs K
I thought I saw some signs of new feathers on a bare back hen. 

Once I had a leghorn molt so hard and fast, it looked like a pillow fight in the hen house. She truthfully looked nearly naked, but within a week she was looking grand, shiny fluffy and white.

Mrs K
Wow that's a quick molt. They say the more productive a bird the faster they molt, your leghorn must have been a great layer. I have lots of bums that take their time. I am really surprised to see it already, maybe it means an early winter.
A couple of years ago I had one that molted like Mrs. K's. She seemed completely feathered one day and naked the next! Poor thing had just a few scraggly feathers on her for what seemed the longest time. I worried for her going into the winter.

If the molt is starting, my pullets better step it up so they're laying before the old ladies quit.
I have noticed a drop in production in the last week, I was wondering about it. Hopefully my better layers will hold out for a while. My pullets are only two months old.
I too, have had a slight drop in production, but thought it was the heat. Took a more careful look around this morning, and there are some feathers showing up.
Yes, I went out to the coop give or take last Thursday and my first reaction was that a predator hand gained entry or there was massive fight, it looked like a feather stuffed pillow exploded in the coop, but after looking around it simply appears to be a few birds busting out in a molt...
Seems to be about two weeks earlier than last year. It is frightening to see feathers everywhere until you notice the half naked birds.
I'd been noticing more feathers in the coop was thinking maybe it's been so hot.

But my 2 leghorns who are almost 2 1/2 yrs old have never went thru any molt.

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