The Moonshiner's farewell to Leghorns

What should Moony do?

  • Quit this nonsense thinking and stick with the Leghorn breeding.

    Votes: 48 60.0%
  • Forget the Leghorns and stick with this new awesome project breed

    Votes: 32 40.0%

  • Total voters
It's with a heavy heart that I've decided to get out of the leghorn business.
It's been an exciting ride to say the least and I want to thank everyone that shared in on the fun.
I made some really cool project colors and there was quite a few I'm disappointed I didn't get finished with or get to but it was gonna be never ending.
The amount of everything is staggering. Just the other day I saw some light bulbs on clearance. I bought like 50. Who does that?
I've still got eggs in the incubator and with over 800 chicks hatched this year I'll probably go ahead and hit 1,000 then pull the plug.
I've got another bunch of birds going to auction this Saturday then I don't know what. Probably just keep a bunch of my favorites as a layer flock and just not hatch.
This seems so unreal to write but it's just turning the page. Starting a new chapter.
I'm not getting out of chickens just going a completely different direction. I have a new idea and a new project already in the making.
You all know I'm kind of a big deal and the new project will be too. I'm gonna blow the poultry world up with this one.
Stay tuned for a later announcement on what's to come.
Then grind it in with my boot heel?
I'm just going to take a few shots
and then go to bed,forget this thread ever existed....
:lau Don't play with her emotions
THis sounds like the name of a song. Did the JabberPeople sing this?
The down side was once I did I could never get him to frill out anymore.
Our little dude never frilled. Sometimes people would try by showing him a image of one frilling, but I'd never let them startle the little guy. He was like four inches when he came in and I think he was ten or so when he got to go home. Such a little stinker. Way more personable than the Leopards and the Bearded Dragons.
If it's a "Purple Dragon" shouldn't it be purple? Anyways, it should be an "Amethyst Dragon."
You are indeed correct. But it should actually be Amethyst Bearded Dragon...because of the beard thing.
Celebrate New Year GIF by San Diego Zoo

Gold. Pure gold.
Did I ever specify "Leghorn" eggs?
It was implied, sir.
I'm thinking of a few names myself right now
Oh, for sure.
Pretending To Care Schitts Creek GIF by CBC

That's some ugly Franken cochins. 😆
schitts creek eww GIF by CBC

Was my exact reaction after I clutched my pearls.
Our local poultry auction is tomorrow.
My project is going to need multiple breeds involved so this will be fun.
The plan is to pretty much buy one or two of every breed they have available then just throw them all together in the backyard and start hatching.
Our local poultry auction is tomorrow.
My project is going to need multiple breeds involved so this will be fun.
The plan is to pretty much buy one or two of every breed they have available then just throw them all together in the backyard and start hatching.
Ok here's what I'm thinking.
I would assume this to be a 10 year project so it should be safe to say I can get it done in 5.
If anyone has any other ideas they're welcome to throw them out there though I'm sure I won't listen to them.

Crested. Preferably mullet shaped
V comb. Devil horn like
Tuffs, muffs and beard. Turkey like beard would be awesome too
Naked neck
Long tail
Extra long legs but also super thick like those elephantiasis looking birds
Multi spur. 3 spurs on right leg, 1 on the left
Clean legs. Don't want anyone thinking they have Cochin blood.
Black skin
MF and blue MF pattern
Frizzled and non frizzled
Neon blue lobes
Laughing, long crow. Hens too although their crow will sound more like a school girl's giggle
Lays pink, purple, blue, green, olive, dark brown and creme eggs. Preferably alternating colors daily.
Prolific layer 300+
Roosters go broody several times a year but are not feminine.
Roosters need to be savage protectors. Like LIege Fighters I want them to take on lions, tigers and bears.
Light weight and fast
Exceptional runners, flyers and swimmers
Also be cool if they'd dig burrows too
Highly intelligent. I miss playing tic tac toe against chickens.

Well that's just off the top of my head so I'm sure some other things may be added.
Here’s what I’m thinking... Frizzled bearded Polish x ga noi x modern game x ameraucana x Ayam ketawa.

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