The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop- A Role Play

“Annie.... I-we could never do that to you. I would usually not kill a bee but in this case it was put here for a reason. It was put here to kill us! That bee- that thing was going to try and kill me. But whilst we could kill you but we won’t. We would never ever try to hurt you” Ellie said firmly
Blair winced at Take and Cam's brutal method of dispatching the massive bee, glancing at Annie at her words. "None of us would do that to you, Annie." She said gently, coming up to the girl. "Yes, they could have been a little less brutal about their method of killing it..." She glanced at Take and Cam over her shoulder for a brief moment, then back to Annie. "But no one is going to do that to you, alright? So don't even think about it."
“Yeah. You see?”
"I guess you're right." She admitted dropping her gaze to the floor infront of her.
Take looked momentarily disconcerted as the two ran off across the room towards the bees.
I really doubt they’d want to pay attention to some little ant dude, but Ellie took off with him.
He glanced behind at the others to see their reactions which were mixed with confusion and uncertainty.
He let out loud holler as he made up his mind to go after them. He’d probably get stung everywhere, but he wouldn’t feel it very much.
I guess we’re winging it now
“Sorry about that,” Cam said. “But what about those bees?” she pointed at the swarm that only Kyle seemed to notice.
Take looked momentarily disconcerted as the two ran off across the room towards the bees.
I really doubt they’d want to pay attention to some little ant dude, but Ellie took off with him.
He glanced behind at the others to see their reactions which were mixed with confusion and uncertainty.
He let out loud holler as he made up his mind to go after them. He’d probably get stung everywhere, but he wouldn’t feel it very much.
I guess we’re winging it now
Blair spun on the balls of her toes, poised in a fight-or-flight mode. The incessant buzzing grew louder, and she quickly sought of the source. A swarm of bees. A massive swarm of bees.
She stayed in place as she watched the chaos ensued around her, eyes glowering as her mind rapidly assessed the situation. We could smoke, making a fire would take too long, they'd get to us already...Haddie could turn into a dragon...but then she'd burn everything...
Kyle and Ellie had fled, Fox right behind them. Though the noise of buzzing and some screaming, she heard Take's yell, and she straightened up. "Take?!" She yelled across the room as the bees drew closer rapidly. "What are you doing? Let's go! Let's get out of here, now!"
As everyone began to panic, Cam's angry roses began to hesitate, eventually becoming a complacent puddle of benign blooms on the ground. Oh great, I'm freezing aren't I?
Ever since her teacher's administrator had accidentally hit the warning drill button at school, Cam discovered that she didn't fight or make a run for it. She froze, her brain swarming with indecision.
Cam forced herself to run after Kyle and Ellie. Running. At least that's something. The trees and vines seemed to wave as she ran towards a murky doorway.
“Yep,” Cam said, causing the furious white roses to bristle. “I just don’t think we can fight them. Maybe... distract them?”

“I vote we run!” Kyle screamed, running across the room, dodging ferns and stems.

“Wait why are we run- oh my gosh- RUN” Ellie bolted after Kyle

"I guess you're right." She admitted dropping her gaze to the floor infront of her.

Ellie bolted after Kyle pushing past the leafy ferns.

Take looked momentarily disconcerted as the two ran off across the room towards the bees.
I really doubt they’d want to pay attention to some little ant dude, but Ellie took off with him.
He glanced behind at the others to see their reactions which were mixed with confusion and uncertainty.
He let out loud holler as he made up his mind to go after them. He’d probably get stung everywhere, but he wouldn’t feel it very much.
I guess we’re winging it now

Blair spun on the balls of her toes, poised in a fight-or-flight mode. The incessant buzzing grew louder, and she quickly sought of the source. A swarm of bees. A massive swarm of bees.
She stayed in place as she watched the chaos ensued around her, eyes glowering as her mind rapidly assessed the situation. We could smoke, making a fire would take too long, they'd get to us already...Haddie could turn into a dragon...but then she'd burn everything...
Kyle and Ellie had fled, Fox right behind them. Though the noise of buzzing and some screaming, she heard Take's yell, and she straightened up. "Take?!" She yelled across the room as the bees drew closer rapidly. "What are you doing? Let's go! Let's get out of here, now!"

As everyone began to panic, Cam's angry roses began to hesitate, eventually becoming a complacent puddle of benign blooms on the ground. Oh great, I'm freezing aren't I?
Ever since her teacher's administrator had accidentally hit the warning drill button at school, Cam discovered that she didn't fight or make a run for it. She froze, her brain swarming with indecision.
Cam forced herself to run after Kyle and Ellie. Running. At least that's something. The trees and vines seemed to wave as she ran towards a murky doorway.
"Guys, you really can't outrun a swarm of bees--" Colby facepalmed and turned tail anyway.
"Guys, you really can't outrun a swarm of bees--" Colby facepalmed and turned tail anyway.
Yes, but I can outrun the slowest person, Cam thought, not really sure whether the swarm would break up and try to attack all of them at once.
Kyle was already peeking around the doorway. "Hurry up, guys!" he said.
Annie stood her ground waiting for the swarm to approach. She couldn't believe these normally gentle creatures would really attack them. After all bumblebees died after stinging once.

Annie flicked her wings impatiently, and tensed as the bees finally reached the outer walls, pouring into the room through the holes in the ceiling. She closed her eyes and did her best impersonation of a bee. Walking in looping circles as she buzzed her wings and wiggled around. She could feel the beating wings of the other bees brushing her face. All she could hope was that she was right, and these bees wouldn't attack her, at the very least they seemed intrigued with her for now. She continued dancing, she didn't really know where she was telling them to go, but maybe it would be somewhere far away.
Blair spun on the balls of her toes, poised in a fight-or-flight mode. The incessant buzzing grew louder, and she quickly sought of the source. A swarm of bees. A massive swarm of bees.
She stayed in place as she watched the chaos ensued around her, eyes glowering as her mind rapidly assessed the situation. We could smoke, making a fire would take too long, they'd get to us already...Haddie could turn into a dragon...but then she'd burn everything...
Kyle and Ellie had fled, Fox right behind them. Though the noise of buzzing and some screaming, she heard Take's yell, and she straightened up. "Take?!" She yelled across the room as the bees drew closer rapidly. "What are you doing? Let's go! Let's get out of here, now!"

Yes, but I can outrun the slowest person, Cam thought, not really sure whether the swarm would break up and try to attack all of them at once.
Kyle was already peeking around the doorway. "Hurry up, guys!" he said.
“Come on Blair!” Take yelled back in response to her calling out his name. The bees scattered all around like a frenzy, going for different people. He jumped and dodged the flying insects, executing parkour throughout. He paid no attention to if he was stung, he would focus on it later. The loud buzzing was all he could hear now, and it irritated him so. He growled as two bees shot in from the sides with their stingers out, leaving him to lunge into the doorway where Kyle resided. But before he could, he tripped and rolled like a load of clothes in a washing machine into the doorway instead of how he planned.
“Come on Blair!” Take yelled back in response to her calling out his name. The bees scattered all around like a frenzy, going for different people. He jumped and dodged the flying insects, executing parkour throughout. He paid no attention to if he was stung, he would focus on it later. The loud buzzing was all he could hear now, and it irritated him so. He growled as two bees shot in from the sides with their stingers out, leaving him to lunge into the doorway where Kyle resided. But before he could, he tripped and rolled like a load of clothes in a washing machine into the doorway instead of how he planned.
It was a wave of black and yellow that crashed through the garden, accompanied by many wings which created the most incessant and annoying buzzing to ever exist.
Blair had quickly ducked, pressing herself against the damp stone wall, rose thorns slicing her sides. She paid no attention, though, her eyes trained on the bees as they flew past her, attacking those closest instead of seeking out those who were half hidden.
When she heard her name called, she slipped from her hiding spot, making a dash for the door on the far side. She nearly fell, staggering to avoiding falling over Take as he rolled into the doorway. "Very graceful. Get up," she commented caustically, holding out a hand to help him up, half an eye on the bees whizzing by.

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