The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop- A Role Play

Take raised an eyebrow.
What was that.
He took his shaky hand and put it on her upper arm in return, letting it settle there longer than she did, “Your face reminds me of a tomato” he commented on her red, flushed face. He then poked her face with a finger, “I appreciate your concern though” he laughed softly then took his hand away, focusing his eyes on the fatigued Kipp.
"I'm sorry! I mean— I didn't— My face isn't—" Blair staggered over her words, cutting off instantly when a hand came near her face. Her lip curled as a growl rose in her throat, but when a finger actually poked her face, her head jerked back, eyes fluttering as she looked at him with a mixture of bemusement and embarrassment.
She forced herself to laugh with him, but just felt nothing but embarrassment from the whole thing, and instead came over to Clary and Kipp. Why can't I just act normal?
In the background, Colby began laughing loudly at everyone and no one. From the lack of shame he felt for the unwarranted outbursts, he figured he was still on an adrenaline high.
And so he continued cackling.
Take watched as Blair joined Clary and Kipp, leaving him standing near the fox kid. He jerked his head at him, confusion in his face as Colby laughed out loud uncontrollably.
“..Whats up with you..?” He muttered.
Take watched as Blair joined Clary and Kipp, leaving him standing near the fox kid. He jerked his head at him, confusion in his face as Colby laughed out loud uncontrollably.
“..Whats up with you..?” He muttered.
Colby immediately shut up. Take was someone who really knocked the sanity right back into you. "Sorry, sorry, sorry," he rambled, backing up on slipping feet. "And, uh, thanks for getting us out of that."
Colby immediately shut up. Take was someone who really knocked the sanity right back into you. "Sorry, sorry, sorry," he rambled, backing up on slipping feet. "And, uh, thanks for getting us out of that."
Take shrugged, “It was more Haddie, she kept the car up.. but no problem..” he rubbed his shaky arms and gazed around the hallway, it looks exactly like the bottom floor.. like we never went anywhere... It’s probably nothing.
“We should get going, we’re near the top” he repeated, walking and looking for the nearest stairs.
Kyle took a few steps toward the stairs before stopping and looking up at Haddie, sticking his index finger at her. “Wait. Haddie,” he said. “I forgot to thank you. Not just for the elevator thing. For carrying Bir- uhhh...” he paused at looked inquisitively at Kipp. “What’s your name again?” He looked back at Haddie, wringing his hands. “Anyways... thank you.”
He smiled and went on ahead, rubbing his hands together, a good thank you warming his chest. She deserved it. It seemed like one of his stones actually went to the right person for once.
Clary held in her laughter, but she let a smile escape her lips. “Don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault you got bitten,” she said.
"Hmmm, maybe." He said still not convinced he couldn't have avoided the injury. He felt awkward relying on others. "So this is, a new floor? It looks like we're back near where we started." His wandering eyes caught on Blair as she made her way over to them and he fell silent, breaking his gaze away to look anywhere else.

Kyle took a few steps toward the stairs before stopping and looking up at Haddie, sticking his index finger at her. “Wait. Haddie,” he said. “I forgot to thank you. Not just for the elevator thing. For carrying Bir- uhhh...” he paused at looked inquisitively at Kipp. “What’s your name again?” He looked back at Haddie, wringing his hands. “Anyways... thank you.”
He smiled and went on ahead, rubbing his hands together, a good thank you warming his chest. She deserved it. It seemed like one of his stones actually went to the right person for once.

Which happened to be Kyle's small frame staring back at him. "How do you not know my name yet?" He whispered, with a wide eyed grimace on his face. How can he be the guy in charge? We're all gonna die. And he won't even know we're missing.
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"Hmmm, maybe." He said still not convinced he couldn't have avoided the injury. He felt awkward relying on others. "So this is, a new floor? It looks like we're back near where we started." His wandering eyes caught on Blair as she made her way over to them and he fell silent, breaking his gaze away to look anywhere else.
"We went up, though," Blair replied, glancing around the room. "We definitely went up. Maybe it's just a trick..."
She looked at him, instantly noticing that he looked away the moment she approached them. Like a switch, guilt returned full force, wracking her intensely.
What happened? What did I do? What did I say?
Had Kipper been anyone else, she would have confronted him about it. But in the circumstances they had met and known each other, and knowing that when the wolf had been out she may have hurt him, she couldn't.
So she stayed silent, pretending like nothing was wrong.
"We went up, though," Blair replied, glancing around the room. "We definitely went up. Maybe it's just a trick..."
She looked at him, instantly noticing that he looked away the moment she approached them. Like a switch, guilt returned full force, wracking her intensely.
What happened? What did I do? What did I say?
Had Kipper been anyone else, she would have confronted him about it. But in the circumstances they had met and known each other, and knowing that when the wolf had been out she may have hurt him, she couldn't.
So she stayed silent, pretending like nothing was wrong.
"I'm sure we went up," Kyle reassured, mounting Rylie. "I'm sure we did. But we gotta climb the rest of these stairs. He dug his feet into Rylie's sides, causing him to climb the stairs enthusiastically. "Good boy Rylie," Kyle ruffled the fur on the cat's head.
"I'm sure we went up," Kyle reassured, mounting Rylie. "I'm sure we did. But we gotta climb the rest of these stairs. He dug his feet into Rylie's sides, causing him to climb the stairs enthusiastically. "Good boy Rylie," Kyle ruffled the fur on the cat's head.
Take had gone ahead of the group, they were so close to getting home and he didn’t want to wait on the others as they conversed.
Seriously though, why does it seem like we’re at the beginning?
He glanced out the nearest window, and all he could see was that they were far above the clouds.
Better than seeing the ground.
"We went up, though," Blair replied, glancing around the room. "We definitely went up. Maybe it's just a trick..."
She looked at him, instantly noticing that he looked away the moment she approached them. Like a switch, guilt returned full force, wracking her intensely.
What happened? What did I do? What did I say?
Had Kipper been anyone else, she would have confronted him about it. But in the circumstances they had met and known each other, and knowing that when the wolf had been out she may have hurt him, she couldn't.
So she stayed silent, pretending like nothing was wrong.

Kipp bit his lip and furrowed a brow, looking up at her his eyes scanning her face. She's ok. I'm glad she's ok. But what happened? If she was fine, didn't that mean she intentionally left him to be eaten by that giant spider? He half shrugged at her with his arm not supported by Clary, and looked down again. "We should try to keep up with Kyle, before he leaves us behind." He grumbled to Clary, trying to shuffle forward toward the stairs.

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