The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop- A Role Play

"Hmmm, maybe." He said still not convinced he couldn't have avoided the injury. He felt awkward relying on others. "So this is, a new floor? It looks like we're back near where we started." His wandering eyes caught on Blair as she made her way over to them and he fell silent, breaking his gaze away to look anywhere else.

Which happened to be Kyle's small frame staring back at him. "How do you not know my name yet?" He whispered, with a wide eyed grimace on his face. How can he be the guy in charge? We're all gonna die. And he won't even know we're missing.

Kipp bit his lip and furrowed a brow, looking up at her his eyes scanning her face. She's ok. I'm glad she's ok. But what happened? If she was fine, didn't that mean she intentionally left him to be eaten by that giant spider? He half shrugged at her with his arm not supported by Clary, and looked down again. "We should try to keep up with Kyle, before he leaves us behind." He grumbled to Clary, trying to shuffle forward toward the stairs.

Clary frowned. There was something off between Blair and Kipp, but she didn’t know what.
She snorted. “I’d bet he doesn’t remember anyone’s names. Don’t take it personally,” Clary would’ve elbowed him in the ribs, but in her current position it would’ve been difficult.
As Kipp mentioned following Kyle, Clary nodded. “Yup, I don’t want to be alone in this place,” she replied, carefully following Kyle up the stairs. Even though Kipp was small, it was still difficult to move up the stairs with him. “Sooo... what’s with you and Blair?” Clary asked. “I mean, it’s none of my business, if you don’t want to tell me that’s fine.” She quickly added.
Blair turned away from Kipp, too guilty to look at him. She looked out the window, instantly flinching away when she saw clouds, through those clouds was the ground that looked like it was many miles away.
It's fine. You're fine. It's safe is the castle.
"They're leaving without you."
Blair spun on her heel, glaring at Alanna, who was hovering behind her. She really didn't want deal with her right then. "I know. Go away."
Alanna scoffed, rolling her green eyes. "Are you just gonna stay behind, or what?"
"Mine as well," Blair muttered, favoring her wounded leg. "I can't keep up. Kipper's mad at me for some reason, everyone else finds me intolerable or scary, and I'll just weigh them down."
Alanna approached her, giving a sharp flick of her wrist, and a glowing gold-green light flickered from underneath the bandage on her leg. "There. Now you can keep up. I can't do anything about your distasteful personality, but at least you can keep up."
Blair didn't mention the pain in her wrists, instead eyeing her. She tested her leg, putting weight on it and hopping just slightly. No pain. "Why? Why heal me if you don't like me?"
Alanna shrugged. "I don't like you. But Take likes you, God knows why, so I guess I have to help you. For him."
Blair raised a brow. "Alright then. Well...thanks, Alanna." She turned, entirely grateful even if she wouldn't show it. "Wait," she looked over her shoulder as she hopped up the first step. "Can you help Kipper? He's been injected with spider venom."
"Depends on how much he's been bitten. I don't have any knowledge in that field. But show me to him, I shall see."
Clary frowned. There was something off between Blair and Kipp, but she didn’t know what.
She snorted. “I’d bet he doesn’t remember anyone’s names. Don’t take it personally,” Clary would’ve elbowed him in the ribs, but in her current position it would’ve been difficult.
As Kipp mentioned following Kyle, Clary nodded. “Yup, I don’t want to be alone in this place,” she replied, carefully following Kyle up the stairs. Even though Kipp was small, it was still difficult to move up the stairs with him. “Sooo... what’s with you and Blair?” Clary asked. “I mean, it’s none of my business, if you don’t want to tell me that’s fine.” She quickly added.
Kipp tried to keep pace with her, using his free hand on the wall in an attempt to go quicker. He bit down on his lip frustrated that he was slowing her and everyone behind them down.
"Uhh heh, " he sucked in a breath through his teeth frowning. "I guess, it's my fault. I should have just waited. But I didn't." Kipp shivered partly from the cold air, and partly from the realization that if the others hadn't shown up when they did, both him and Fred would have died. "I almost got Fred killed. And I put everyone else in danger."
(Of course notifications stop the second I make a post. :he )

Kipp didn't realize that the uncomfortable lump under his stomach was a person until he was shoved off.

"Uhh, yeah. I'm still alive." He said his voice a dry rasp. Kipp forced his body to sit up, locking his elbows behind him, and squinted at Haddie, still barely awake. "What is that?" He asked referring to the deafening squeaks the elevator was making. Haddie stood then and darted away as a sparrow. The rest of the groups anxiety suddenly reached him. Somethings happening. Was all he had time to think before a loud crack echoed above his head and the floor under him pulled away. His stomach lurched at the feeling of free fall, and his wings jumped up automatically to catch him. Over whelming panic shot through him as he realized he was in a falling box, flying in here wasn't going to help him, he had to get out. He jumped up, stumbling on his burning, wobbly legs, grabbed Fred and pulled him through with him, some how getting both of them out of the elevator before it had fallen past the opening.

"Yes please." He said, panting on the floor.
Fred turned in a bit of a daze “Kipp! Oh good you’re okay!” He shouted
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He trailed after Kipp and Clary writing something on his notepad. He was sketching a new invention. He let out a loud audible sigh and pocketed the notepad.

Ellie walked up ahead running a hand through her messy brown hair. She wondered what she would do with her life when This was over, she wondered if she would be aloud to write a book about everything that happened. Only the people here would know it was real. If she tried to tell her mum I think was real she would Be accused of an overactive imagination
Take had gone ahead of the group, they were so close to getting home and he didn’t want to wait on the others as they conversed.
Seriously though, why does it seem like we’re at the beginning?
He glanced out the nearest window, and all he could see was that they were far above the clouds.
Better than seeing the ground.

Clary frowned. There was something off between Blair and Kipp, but she didn’t know what.
She snorted. “I’d bet he doesn’t remember anyone’s names. Don’t take it personally,” Clary would’ve elbowed him in the ribs, but in her current position it would’ve been difficult.
As Kipp mentioned following Kyle, Clary nodded. “Yup, I don’t want to be alone in this place,” she replied, carefully following Kyle up the stairs. Even though Kipp was small, it was still difficult to move up the stairs with him. “Sooo... what’s with you and Blair?” Clary asked. “I mean, it’s none of my business, if you don’t want to tell me that’s fine.” She quickly added.

He trailed after Kipp and Clary writing something on his notepad. He was sketching a new invention. He let out a loud audible sigh and pocketed the notepad.

Ellie walked up ahead running a hand through her messy brown hair. She wondered what she would do with her life when This was over, she wondered if she would be aloud to write a book about everything that happened. Only the people here would know it was real. If she tried to tell her mum I think was real she would Be accused of an overactive imagination
Cam bumped into Fred, who’s nose was buried in his notepad. “Hey! Look where you’re going!” she snapped. She had an unfortunate case of hangriness after climbing all those stairs, avoiding massive boulders, even thinking about it made her tired.
Cam noticed his miserable face when he looked at her. He’s just eleven. He doesn’t deserve that. No one does.
“Sorry,” she said, softer this time. “I’m just a little cranky right now, but that’s no excuse.”
As she got another view out the dizzying window, she wondered “Do they have it pressurized in here? We shouldn’t be alive right now.
Kipp tried to keep pace with her, using his free hand on the wall in an attempt to go quicker. He bit down on his lip frustrated that he was slowing her and everyone behind them down.
"Uhh heh, " he sucked in a breath through his teeth frowning. "I guess, it's my fault. I should have just waited. But I didn't." Kipp shivered partly from the cold air, and partly from the realization that if the others hadn't shown up when they did, both him and Fred would have died. "I almost got Fred killed. And I put everyone else in danger."

“Don’t blame yourself, it’ll get you no where,” Clary said, trudging up the stairs. “Think of it this way. This castle is extremely dangerous. Fred still would’ve found someway to get hurt, and if you weren’t there with him, he would be dead right now. See? It’s not your fault, and Blair shouldn’t be mad at you because of it. She should be thanking you. And that wasn’t putting us in danger. That was just being a bit unlucky. If anyone’s going to put us in danger, it won’t be you.” Clary said, glancing at Take out of the corner of her eye.
Cam bumped into Fred, who’s nose was buried in his notepad. “Hey! Look where you’re going!” she snapped. She had an unfortunate case of hangriness after climbing all those stairs, avoiding massive boulders, even thinking about it made her tired.
Cam noticed his miserable face when he looked at her. He’s just eleven. He doesn’t deserve that. No one does.
“Sorry,” she said, softer this time. “I’m just a little cranky right now, but that’s no excuse.”
As she got another view out the dizzying window, she wondered “Do they have it pressurized in here? We shouldn’t be alive right now.
“It’s okay. I’m used to being yelled at” Fred said
Fred trudged through the castle behind the group, it had been far more exciting when there was action. Now it looked like someone’s funeral
Colby trotted up alongside Fred and noted his frown. Well, the brainy brunet normally seemed nice enough, so perhaps small talk would help. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? "Hey."

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