The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop- A Role Play

Kipp tensed at the odd urgency in Blairs voice. She didn't really seem to be offering help as much as insisting Clary hand him over. He wanted to back down, to hide in what ever corner he could find, but Clary confidently dragged him up the stairs telling Blair no, like she wasn't phased at all. He stared down at the steps in front of him trying not to trip, Clary may not have noticed that she'd sped up slightly, but he had, and it was difficult to keep up.

"Okay... If you need help, let me know." Blair mumbled, slipping past to be near the front. She threw a glance behind her, looking down at Kipp, drawing her bottom lip between her teeth. Her brows creased together as she looked away, ascending the stairs carefully. I've got to talk to him... God, what did I do? What did the wolf do? This isn't good... If Clary wasn't right there...

Clary gave a quick nod to Blair, watching as she disappeared to the front.
She didn’t know she had sped up until Kipp tripped over one of the stairs. She stopped, making sure he didn’t fall over. “Sorry,” Clary murmured, continuing up the stairs. She watched her feet, keeping herself from speeding up. She was normally a fast walker, so going so slowly was a bit difficult.
The bit of stone tumbled to Rylie’s feet. “Whoah, careful,” Kyle warned the girl. Rylie took this as a signal to slow down. It almost seemed as though a black cloud had floated up out of the fluffy clouds below and got stuck in the tower. Rylie’s tail thrashed, he pounced on a few and ate them like the great hunter he was.
“We’re just going to have to push through. They don’t look like sable flies or anything, and they’re probably the least intimidating obstacle we've faced.
“What if something is hiding behind them?” Cam asked.
“Then we face it,” Kyle said, his jaw fixed. “Go, Rylie.”
Rylie stepped into the wall of flies.
It felt sort of weird, the flies kept bumping them on accident. But it wasn’t unpleasant. Kyle discovered a pocket of air on the other side and stopped Rylie, waiting.
Take passed through the wall of buzzing flies, shielding his face with his arms, but made sure he could still see. The thought of them landing on his face was unpleasant, especially around his three eyes. He tried to get through them quick, and stopped right in the pocket of air just outside of the fly wall, uncovering his face to see this new room.
The floor was paved with a dizzying mosaic and windows lined the sides, much like the first room they had been in the castle. But this one had no romantic English countryside rolling up to meet it. Clouds were below them and blue sky above them. Some of the clouds rubbed against the tower like a cat would greet a person. They were impossibly high, heights where no one could’ve possibly built to, and they probably shouldn’t have been conscious either. But Kyle was completely aware, and he knew that somehow it was happening.
On the far edge of the room sat a buzzing mass of blackness, seeming to shimmer like the entrance to the void. But, thanks to his sharp little eyes and the way the flies separated from it and flew down the way Kyle had come, it was clear to him that it wasn’t a void.
They seemed to be... multiplying...
Could this finally be it?
Kyle drew in a sharp breath and hopped from Rylie’s back, running to the black mass and scrambling to its top, unbothered by the living bodies beneath him.
He swatted away the flies to reveal something hidden beneath. A hint of blue.
“We’ve found it!” He exclaimed, tempted to do a jig on the carpet of living flies. “We’ve found the stone!”
Clary gave a quick nod to Blair, watching as she disappeared to the front.
She didn’t know she had sped up until Kipp tripped over one of the stairs. She stopped, making sure he didn’t fall over. “Sorry,” Clary murmured, continuing up the stairs. She watched her feet, keeping herself from speeding up. She was normally a fast walker, so going so slowly was a bit difficult.
"It's fine. Thanks for," He shook his head, looking at Clary apologetically. "Uhh, helping me." Kipp went back to biting his bottom lip and frowning at the steps in front of him. What could Blair possibly want me for? To yell at me again? To tell me how stupid I was? I already know I was stupid. I know it was dangerous. Doesn't she think I got the point when she didn't help me fight that giant spider? So much for sticking together and helping each other. I should have just kept to myself instead of imagining people would be any different here. He glanced at Clary, who was still next to him. Maybe that's not entirely fair, but it's not like we're going to be friends. As soon as we're done this thing we're never going to see each other again.
The floor was paved with a dizzying mosaic and windows lined the sides, much like the first room they had been in the castle. But this one had no romantic English countryside rolling up to meet it. Clouds were below them and blue sky above them. Some of the clouds rubbed against the tower like a cat would greet a person. They were impossibly high, heights where no one could’ve possibly built to, and they probably shouldn’t have been conscious either. But Kyle was completely aware, and he knew that somehow it was happening.
On the far edge of the room sat a buzzing mass of blackness, seeming to shimmer like the entrance to the void. But, thanks to his sharp little eyes and the way the flies separated from it and flew down the way Kyle had come, it was clear to him that it wasn’t a void.
They seemed to be... multiplying...
Could this finally be it?
Kyle drew in a sharp breath and hopped from Rylie’s back, running to the black mass and scrambling to its top, unbothered by the living bodies beneath him.
He swatted away the flies to reveal something hidden beneath. A hint of blue.
“We’ve found it!” He exclaimed, tempted to do a jig on the carpet of living flies. “We’ve found the stone!”
Take stood gazing around, and hearing Kyle’s declaration that they’ve finally reached the stone, the stone that made this journey of saving the world from giant bugs.
This is how it ends huh..?
He crossed the room towards the object that was completely covered by flies, and it just looked like a black living mass. His face showed little emotion as his eyebrows raised, he didn’t know what to express. Take’s hand rested on the flies, and they were immediately attracted to his heat, swarming over his hand until he couldn’t see it anymore. He was able to touch the stone momentarily before pulling his hand out, a frown forming from the tiny little insects tickling his hand.
Blair hopped up the last step, looking over the mass of flies with disgust. She shoved through them, curling her lip as they hit her or landed on her skin. Then Kyle made a declaration, and through the mass of black flies swarming underneath the little man, she saw something glowing a faint blue. "We found it?" Sucking in air sharply, she broke off coughing violently as she nearly inhaled a bug, before recovering quickly.
"So this is it? This is what we've been looking for?"
Blair hopped up the last step, looking over the mass of flies with disgust. She shoved through them, curling her lip as they hit her or landed on her skin. Then Kyle made a declaration, and through the mass of black flies swarming underneath the little man, she saw something glowing a faint blue. "We found it?" Sucking in air sharply, she broke off coughing violently as she nearly inhaled a bug, before recovering quickly.
"So this is it? This is what we've been looking for?"
“Yup.” We’ve walked 9 miles through a forest that wanted to kill us, have unearthed a druid sanctuary, and faced the dangers of a booby-trapped undiscovered castle... and we’ve also conquered the stairs and climbed approximately 6,000 feet in elevation.
His chest warmed as he thought about what an accomplishment that was. Not many men, -or cats -he looked down at Rylie’s dopey face- can say that.

It took a moment for Cam to process all that she had done to get to that point. Admittedly, she was a bit disappointed. She expected the green plant lady she had seen in that vision to appear and accept the stones or a last stand against the person who had cursed the world. Instead, they were just standing in a room with a whole lot of flies, swarming around the stone like it was a carcass, ripe and sunbaked on the roadside. And she felt exhausted, not exhilarated or accomplished or something.
“Ok,” she said in a bored tone. “How do we stop the curse and go home?”

“Simple,” Kyle tittered, pacing happily, brushing the flies away from certain parts of the stone with his foot. “We insert the amulets you have into these indentations.” He stepped into a lower spot, the perfect size for each of the stones the others carried. “Once you have put all of them in, the bugs will disappear and you’ll be whooshed back to the coffee shop,” he said with a sweep of his hands. Theoretically.
“Yup.” We’ve walked 9 miles through a forest that wanted to kill us, have unearthed a druid sanctuary, and faced the dangers of a booby-trapped undiscovered castle... and we’ve also conquered the stairs and climbed approximately 6,000 feet in elevation.
His chest warmed as he thought about what an accomplishment that was. Not many men, -or cats -he looked down at Rylie’s dopey face- can say that.

It took a moment for Cam to process all that she had done to get to that point. Admittedly, she was a bit disappointed. She expected the green plant lady she had seen in that vision to appear and accept the stones or a last stand against the person who had cursed the world. Instead, they were just standing in a room with a whole lot of flies, swarming around the stone like it was a carcass, ripe and sunbaked on the roadside. And she felt exhausted, not exhilarated or accomplished or something.
“Ok,” she said in a bored tone. “How do we stop the curse and go home?”

“Simple,” Kyle tittered, pacing happily, brushing the flies away from certain parts of the stone with his foot. “We insert the amulets you have into these indentations.” He stepped into a lower spot, the perfect size for each of the stones the others carried. “Once you have put all of them in, the bugs will disappear and you’ll be whooshed back to the coffee shop,” he said with a sweep of his hands. Theoretically.
"That's it?" Blair frowned, watching him. "We hiked through a forest that tried to kill us, were taunted with visions, found an old Druid tunnel system, fought giant spiders and cockroaches and a rotting wolf and went up thousands of stairs for this?" She beckoned her arms around the room. "For a room filled with flies with a small stone that we just insert our amulets in and boom? We're done? A, that's horribly anticlimactic, and B, is it really gonna be that easy?"

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