The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop- A Role Play

Kipp inevitably lost his footing as he was zipped back to the the coffee shop. Though it was a fast convenient way to get around it's dizzying effects were awful.
Fred glanced around “how do we get home now?” He asked.
Kipp looked up at Fred, and then down at what had been the big blue boulder. He grabbed a couple of pieces and tossed one toward him. "Catch." He looked over the other one still in his hand, it still glowed faintly.
"Maybe you can make some kind of transporter or something. It would make visiting a lot easier if you could." He said with a small smile on his face. "It'd be nice if we could get together again some time soon."

“I never thought I’d say this but I kinda wish the bugs would come back so we would have to start all over again” Ellie said a little sadly

Kipp curled his nose at her suggestion.
"Or, not. We could just hang out together with out the threat of death. That'd be preferable." He finally stood up and dusted off the back of his shorts. "Come let's go get something to eat before we all starve to death."
Clary looked around. “That’s it? We’re done? I can go home now?” She asked hopefully. Her attention was drawn to the crumbled rocks on the basement floor. She knelt down, carefully picking a piece up and examining it. “Uhh... why is this broken? Is that normal? How are we going to go home now?” Clary asked, looking down at Kyle. “Please tell me you have a backup plan.”
With Rylie's amazing assistance, Kyle made it up the stairs. Rylie would go no further after that. All those stairs had taken a toll on him. With an indignant huff, he melted onto the floor into a furry pancake. "Good boy, Rylie." The cat only acknowledged Kyle with a malevolent stare.
"Chicken noodle soup, cheesy broccoli soup, and also Will's famous vegan option... butternut apple soup! A seasonal item." Kyle announced, bowing. "Uses vegetable broth instead of chicken broth. Surprisingly good."

Cam looked into the crockpot, peering through the droplets of condensation on the lid, breathing in the wonderful scent of nutmeg. The smooth orange liquid didn't look too appetizing, but she remembered the awesome pumpkin spice muffin and the delicious coffee. I'm a bit sick of seasonal items by now, but I'd really like to try it. And if the man who was disgusted by my choice of coffee likes it... She was probably going to sample all the soups anyways. (Butternut apple soup is the best guys.)

"Brioche bread..." Kyle continued. "Free coffee... and fresh pastries!" Kyle looked sadly at it all. He hadn't tried half of the items in the shop, and he probably never would, Laurel was as good as gone, abandoning his little shop on the highway that Kyle had once helped to staff.
Kipp inevitably lost his footing as he was zipped back to the the coffee shop. Though it was a fast convenient way to get around it's dizzying effects were awful.
Kipp looked up at Fred, and then down at what had been the big blue boulder. He grabbed a couple of pieces and tossed one toward him. "Catch." He looked over the other one still in his hand, it still glowed faintly.
"Maybe you can make some kind of transporter or something. It would make visiting a lot easier if you could." He said with a small smile on his face. "It'd be nice if we could get together again some time soon."

Kipp curled his nose at her suggestion.
"Or, not. We could just hang out together with out the threat of death. That'd be preferable." He finally stood up and dusted off the back of his shorts. "Come let's go get something to eat before we all starve to death."
Fred grinned widely but then it faded. “I can’t. I can’t create a teleportation device, I was working on one before I left but it needs all different chemicals that’s I don’t have access to” Fred explained.

“True, true” Ellie agreed
Clary looked around. “That’s it? We’re done? I can go home now?” She asked hopefully. Her attention was drawn to the crumbled rocks on the basement floor. She knelt down, carefully picking a piece up and examining it. “Uhh... why is this broken? Is that normal? How are we going to go home now?” Clary asked, looking down at Kyle. “Please tell me you have a backup plan.”
"Sorry," Kyle said, shrugging his toothpick arms. "Once the curse is broken..." he blew air through his lips and made an exploding motion with his hands.

Cam followed Take's example and ladeled a hearty helping of the orange stuff into her own foam bowl and grabbed a spoon. She was about to head towards his table before turning back and ripping off a hunk of brioche. She bit off a bit of it and savored the subtle sweetness on her tongue before sitting down and ravenously consuming her soup.
After a few gulps, the realization dawned on her. "Okay, how am I gonna get home then?"
Fred grinned widely but then it faded. “I can’t. I can’t create a teleportation device, I was working on one before I left but it needs all different chemicals that’s I don’t have access to” Fred explained.

“True, true” Ellie agreed
"Hmm, well, maybe those chemicals are in this rock, it did work as a teleporter." He pointed out. Kipp put a hand on his stomach, the food up stairs smelled good. "I'm going to look for a pen or something to write with after I eat. Don't leave with getting my number." He said and started up the stairs as quickly as he could on his injured leg.
"Sorry," Kyle said, shrugging his toothpick arms. "Once the curse is broken..." he blew air through his lips and made an exploding motion with his hands.

Cam followed Take's example and ladeled a hearty helping of the orange stuff into her own foam bowl and grabbed a spoon. She was about to head towards his table before turning back and ripping off a hunk of brioche. She bit off a bit of it and savored the subtle sweetness on her tongue before sitting down and ravenously consuming her soup.
After a few gulps, the realization dawned on her. "Okay, how am I gonna get home then?"
“So how do we get home?” Ellie asked
"Hmm, well, maybe those chemicals are in this rock, it did work as a teleporter." He pointed out. Kipp put a hand on his stomach, the food up stairs smelled good. "I'm going to look for a pen or something to write with after I eat. Don't leave with getting my number." He said and started up the stairs as quickly as he could on his injured leg.
Fred nodded

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