The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop- A Role Play

Clary sank down into the chair, pulling her phone out. She flipped through her contacts, clicking on the one that said Davis.
Yo, I’ve kinda been kidnapped, taken literally around the globe to fight giant bugs and stop a curse, and now the cops are coming. How am I going to explain this to my parents? Her finger hovered over the send button, but after taking a deep breath she sent it. Almost instantly, she saw he was typing a reply.

How does someone ‘accidentally’ get kidnapped? You either do or you don’t. There’s no such thing as accidents when it comes to kidnapping. Davis replied.

That’s it? Ur not worried about me? Wow, ur a great friend. -_-
Clary glanced around the coffee shop, waiting for a reply. Her phone dinged, and she looked back down at it.

Ha, that’s what happens when you ditch me. Just tell him what you told me. I’m sure there’s an open spot in a psych ward somewhere. ;P

Clary rolled her eyes. And be your new roommate? No thanku. But seriously, any ideas?

Oh you turd. That’s mean. But nah, I got nothing. Sorry Smith.

Clary blew a strand of hair out of her eyes, grimacing. Come on, ur creative, you can make something up. And if you do, dinners on me. ;3

Hmmm, tempting... fine, I’ll see what I can do. Keep me posted. Davis out.

Clary sent a simple goodbye and then tucked her phone back into her pocket, fingering the small pebble. “How long do we have until the cops arrive?” She asked.
"Not too long, probably ten minutes at most." Kyle said. At least Clary seemed to understand.
“Do ya think we will Be on the news?” Ellie asked quietly
Cam paused in her miserable spooning of soup into her mouth. The cheesy deliciousness cheered her up a bit, and stomach didn't feel like a gaping hole anymore. It was probably even better than the squash stuff.
"With the amount of junk they put on there just to fill time I should hope so," Cam muttered.
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Cam paused in her miserable spooning of soup into her mouth. The cheesy deliciousness cheered her up a bit, and stomach didn't feel like a gaping hole anymore. It was probably even better than the squash stuff.
"With the amount of junk they put on their just to fill time I should hope so," Cam muttered.
“True. True”
"Not too long, probably ten minutes at most." Kyle said. At least Clary seemed to understand.

Clary nodded slowly. “And I’ll leave in nine.” She said. As of right now she was too hungry and too tired to go anywhere sooner. She stood up, refilling her bowl of soup and grabbing a piece of bread. She sat back down, dipping the bread into soup and eating it.
Kyle tugged on a roll of paper towels hanging above his head and pointed at a stray pen lying next to the cash register. "Acceptable?" he asked.
Kipp nodded and took a couple of pieces of paper towel to write on. "Thanks." He was about to go down the stairs but hesitated. "Kyle." He said looking directly at the tiny man. "Thank you. For all of this." He gave him one short nod and went back down to the basement.

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