The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop- A Role Play

Clary looked around. She recognized this street as one she used to go one when she went to school. So I’m not that far away from home. Sweet. She thought. She glanced at the others. “Adios,” Clary said saluting, and then jogged down the street.
We're actually splitting up. Kipp raised his hand in a reluctant wave goodbye. We're all going our separate ways. Alone. He smiled through the sinking feeling he had in his chest. This sucks.
“Later” Take farewelled, still staring off into the street.
“Get home safe” Elias told her as she broke from the group and headed off. His staff tapped the sidewalk twice again, and they were whirled off to Bakersfield. They appeared yet again next to another bus stop that was across from the public university. The campus lights were on, but it was closed and empty.
Take looked down at Kipp, his fist going out to him for a bump. His face wasn’t sad, but instead he just grinned, as a way of saying goodbye.
“Where does this one live?” Elias asked, motioning his staff towards Fred.
Kipp bit his lip, and changing his still raised hand to a fist, he bumped the flat of his knuckles against Take's hand.
"See you around." Kipp looked over at Fred, who had gone quiet. "He's from Memphis." Kipp waved goodbye to him, and Blair and backed away, signaling that he was ready for them to leave.
“Later” Take farewelled, still staring off into the street.
“Get home safe” Elias told her as she broke from the group and headed off. His staff tapped the sidewalk twice again, and they were whirled off to Bakersfield. They appeared yet again next to another bus stop that was across from the public university. The campus lights were on, but it was closed and empty.
Take looked down at Kipp, his fist going out to him for a bump. His face wasn’t sad, but instead he just grinned, as a way of saying goodbye.
“Where does this one live?” Elias asked, motioning his staff towards Fred.
Kipp bit his lip, and changing his still raised hand to a fist, he bumped the flat of his knuckles against Take's hand.
"See you around." Kipp looked over at Fred, who had gone quiet. "He's from Memphis." Kipp waved goodbye to him, and Blair and backed away, signaling that he was ready for them to leave.
"Bye, Kipp." Blair murmured, raising one hand into a peace sign. "See you around sometime."
Kipp bit his lip, and changing his still raised hand to a fist, he bumped the flat of his knuckles against Take's hand.
"See you around." Kipp looked over at Fred, who had gone quiet. "He's from Memphis." Kipp waved goodbye to him, and Blair and backed away, signaling that he was ready for them to leave.

"Bye, Kipp." Blair murmured, raising one hand into a peace sign. "See you around sometime."
Take’s hand returned by his side, “We’ll meet up sometime, cool?”
Elias nodded towards Kipp, and soon they vanished. They appeared at another stop, just outside the Memphis City Park. Three young kids and their mother were seated at the stop, pestering that they wanted to go to McDonald’s instead of shopping. When Elias’ group appeared, they immediately shut up and stared wide-eyed, mouths dropped at the group. The mother sighed out of relief now that her kids were much focused on something else.
Take glared at the kids, sticking his tongue out at them and making various faces.
Elias muttered under his breath and slightly nudged the young Fred away, “It’s nearly 10AM here, so get home safe alright?” His staff tapped again, and the three vanished from sight. That’s when they arrived at their final destination, a sheltered bus stop in the outskirts of Tucson.
Take observed the new surroundings, noticing that the bus stop shelter was held up by a purple metal cactus on one side.
Ha neat.
Kipp bit his lip, and changing his still raised hand to a fist, he bumped the flat of his knuckles against Take's hand.
"See you around." Kipp looked over at Fred, who had gone quiet. "He's from Memphis." Kipp waved goodbye to him, and Blair and backed away, signaling that he was ready for them to leave.
Fred waved a sad goodbye “oh KIpp” he quickly handed him a card with a phone number on it. “I’m getting my brothers old phone so that’s the number” Fred explained.
Colby beckoned for the phone numbers to collect on their table beside his free hand, while he continued to chow down on a rare, completely vegan muffin. It wasn't unusual to find a baker who regularly replaced the milk and its respective products, but, for some reason, it wasn't often people thought to halt their patronage of egg companies.
Once he'd swallowed his current mouthful, he looked around at everyone who was still nearby. "Thanks, guys. I'll be sure to send you the picture as soon as I get home." He smiled a smile only a fox could smile. "And I'll try not to spam you with lame attempts at conversation."
Cam grinned. ”Then I’ll definitely spam you with plant geek stuff in retaliation.”
Satisfied by the soup, she tapped her fingers on the table, watching Haddie go. She never even gave us contact information. We’ll probably never see her again. Her forehead creased with the saddening realization.
(Oh.... Actually, you're right. It is Saturday. Wow, they've only been missing for 24 hours.)
Take’s hand returned by his side, “We’ll meet up sometime, cool?”
Elias nodded towards Kipp, and soon they vanished. They appeared at another stop, just outside the Memphis City Park. Three young kids and their mother were seated at the stop, pestering that they wanted to go to McDonald’s instead of shopping. When Elias’ group appeared, they immediately shut up and stared wide-eyed, mouths dropped at the group. The mother sighed out of relief now that her kids were much focused on something else.
Take glared at the kids, sticking his tongue out at them and making various faces.
Elias muttered under his breath and slightly nudged the young Fred away, “It’s nearly 10AM here, so get home safe alright?” His staff tapped again, and the three vanished from sight. That’s when they arrived at their final destination, a sheltered bus stop in the outskirts of Tucson.
Take observed the new surroundings, noticing that the bus stop shelter was held up by a purple metal cactus on one side.
Ha neat.
Hot, dry heat bathed Blair's skin, though it couldn't be later then eight am, judging by the sun. She recognized the bus stop they were at, recognized the scents around them, of tar and dry grasses, and the breeze carried the scent of the desert far away with it.
A soft sigh escaped her lungs. She may have lived in several states previous to it, her family having moved quite a lot, but Arizona would always be home to her, and her favorite out of everywhere they had moved.
Her house wasn't far, for she could see the road she lived on from where she stood. She pivoted, looking at Elias. "Thank you."


Alanna hovered anxiously in the corner of the bus stop, watching her father. No one could see her at the moment, even though she could see them. She longed to let herself be shown, to speak to her father, but she had to wait, just until Blair and Take left. C'mon, just get on with it!
Take’s hand returned by his side, “We’ll meet up sometime, cool?”
Elias nodded towards Kipp, and soon they vanished. They appeared at another stop, just outside the Memphis City Park. Three young kids and their mother were seated at the stop, pestering that they wanted to go to McDonald’s instead of shopping. When Elias’ group appeared, they immediately shut up and stared wide-eyed, mouths dropped at the group. The mother sighed out of relief now that her kids were much focused on something else.
Take glared at the kids, sticking his tongue out at them and making various faces.
Elias muttered under his breath and slightly nudged the young Fred away, “It’s nearly 10AM here, so get home safe alright?” His staff tapped again, and the three vanished from sight. That’s when they arrived at their final destination, a sheltered bus stop in the outskirts of Tucson.
Take observed the new surroundings, noticing that the bus stop shelter was held up by a purple metal cactus on one side.
Ha neat.
“Thank you. So so much” Fred said “bye Take, bye Blair”. He knew the way home off by heart from here. He opened the door, as usual the house was full of people. “And I’m trying to-“ his mother broke off “I’ll have to call you back”. She hung up the phone “Fred. Where were you? You had chores to do. And I can’t believe you’d run away!” She huffed placing her hands on her hips. Fred shrank away from his mother, “I didn’t run away. I would tell you but you’d never believe me.” His mother rolled her eyes “honestly Fred do you take me for an idiot? Stop spouting off these lies.” Fred nodded and trudged wearily up the stairs. He wondered what his older brother would say
Ellie say cross legged on on Wednesday of the chairs. There was only a handful of people left in the coffee shop, and she was one of them. Ellie smoothed her crazy frizzy plait. “It’s hard to believe it’s only been 24 hours” She said to nobody in particular, she was really going to miss this group, she didn’t have any real friends back home so it was a nice change to be able to say she had real friends now
Hot, dry heat bathed Blair's skin, though it couldn't be later then eight am, judging by the sun. She recognized the bus stop they were at, recognized the scents around them, of tar and dry grasses, and the breeze carried the scent of the desert far away with it.
A soft sigh escaped her lungs. She may have lived in several states previous to it, her family having moved quite a lot, but Arizona would always be home to her, and her favorite out of everywhere they had moved.
Her house wasn't far, for she could see the road she lived on from where she stood. She pivoted, looking at Elias. "Thank you."


Alanna hovered anxiously in the corner of the bus stop, watching her father. No one could see her at the moment, even though she could see them. She longed to let herself be shown, to speak to her father, but she had to wait, just until Blair and Take left. C'mon, just get on with it!
Take found Arizona way different than LA almost instantly, but of course it was, it was probably the driest state. It reminded him of where the roadrunner cartoon took place just by dry foliage, red rusty rocks and the many cacti. But he could get used to it, the temperature was pretty warm and it went well with his body heat.
He shoved Blair gently, “So where’s your casa?”

“You’re welcome” Elias replied firmly, adjusting the hold on his staff, almost getting ready to leave.
“Take, you better not catch anything on fire, this environment is much drier than California..”

Take looked back “I already know. I’ll see you later Elias”

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