The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop- A Role Play

"You know you can't sleep there." A mans voice said, pulling Kipp from his dream.

"Huh?" He said groggily opening one eye to look up at him.

"You can't sleep there." He repeated an irritated tone in his voice. "Find some other place or I'm calling the cops." Kipp push himself up glaring at the guy. He looked him over trying to judge how much of a jerk he was going to be. His baggy blue dress shirt, was buttoned all the way to the top, despite the fact that it made ithis large head look like it might pop off from the tightness of the collar. He stood with his fists on his wide hips and stared down at Kipp with a disgusted sneer.

"Fine, I'll go." He growled getting up to start limping home. Even if this guy had a phone he probably wouldn't be willing to call his dad. And Kipp didn't exactly feel like giving his personal information to some random jerk either. He headed north toward the highway, he knew there was a restaurant near by. They would probably let him use their phone.

He stopped as he came to the intersection, his legs had finally gone back to feeling like normal, but the two welts on his leg were throbbing with heat and pain. Walking all the way home wasn't a great idea.

"Hey," He said quietly to a woman that had just crossed the 6 lane highway, and was walking past him. "Could I use your phone? I need to call my parents." She continued past him ignoring not only his request, but also his existence. Or not. He looked around trying to find any business that might be open early on a Saturday. There really weren't a lot of buildings around other than the university behind him. Though there was a gym on the other side of the road not too far away. A gym might actually be open.

As he stood deciding how he'd cross the road a sliver 2 door car pulled up next to him. Kipp tried to hide his grimace with a smile the window rolling down on the passenger side to reveal his brother leaning over from the drivers seat.
"Get in." Chris demanded, reaching over and opening the passenger side door.
Charlie was wandering around, trying to find somewhere where he could call his parents. If I could talk to Maya, she would cover for me, and I could just tell dad I forgot to tell him I was at her house.. Yeah, that would work, if I was closer. Should've been more specific to that mage guy. He thought miserably. Then, he squinted. He had spotted a winged boy. Could that be...? "Hey! Kipper!" Charlie shouted, running over. By the time he caught up, he was panting. "I need a ride. That wizard put me in the wrong place."
Charlie smirked and focused on his arm, making it invisible so only his floating hand was visible. He then stuck out two of his fingers for bunny ears and positioned his floating hand right above Clary's head. He grinned, contemplating making his body and head invisible too, but deciding against it.

Charlie stared at the others with a vacant expression. Most of them were looking at him expectantly. "Oh, right," he said, after seeing Haddie put her crystal into the big crystal out of the corner of his eye. He hadn't heard the instructions Kyle gave. Wish he would repeat stuff. Charlie thought, kicking at the flies until he found an empty indent to stick his blue stone into.

Charlie followed the others down the basement. He'd rather get in trouble with his parents then get into some deal with the police. He told Elias where he lived and braced himself as he was teleported to California.
( :O !!!!! "He told Elias where he lived and braced himself as he was teleported to California." Where's he at??)
"I do love her, you stupid freak. I—"
"You do, mom?" This was Blair's turn to interrupt now. She unpeeled Alissa from her side, stepping forward. Her tone was soft and questioning. "Do you love me? If you loved me, wouldn't you accept me for who I am? What I am?"
"I would accept you if you didn't force us to spend so much money to get a healer for you every month! If you didn't hurt poor Isabelle!"
"I never meant to hurt Isabelle!" Blair's eyes flared a wicked golden as she stepped closer to her mother, in front of Take. She was balancing on the balls of her feet, poised in like a curled snake. Calm down. Calm down. Calm down.
"Do you think I would purposely hurt someone I loved? Purposely hurt someone I would do anything for? I never meant to hurt her." Her mother clearly still didn't catch on to the fact that there had been something more between Isabelle and Blair then just friends, even if it was blatantly in front of her. And it just made Blair even angrier for some reason, shivering as the wolf struggled to front. "Stay away," she huffed under her breath, ignoring her brothers shout of 'she has gone mad!'
"I can't do this. I can't do this. You blame me, okay. Fine. I don't blame you for blaming me, mum. I get it. I understand this fight has been a long time coming, and it's not just about me going missing anymore." She opened her eyes — when had she closed them, she wondered? — and they were still golden, and she appeared to be struggling. "Maybe I'll just leave. Would that make things better, mum? You win the fight and it's all better, right?"
Take backed away as Blair and her mother conversed, silently watching. He shot a look at Blairs brother after his abrupt exclamation “You’re not helping dude..” he muttered, leaning against the banister.
Charlie was wandering around, trying to find somewhere where he could call his parents. If I could talk to Maya, she would cover for me, and I could just tell dad I forgot to tell him I was at her house.. Yeah, that would work, if I was closer. Should've been more specific to that mage guy. He thought miserably. Then, he squinted. He had spotted a winged boy. Could that be...? "Hey! Kipper!" Charlie shouted, running over. By the time he caught up, he was panting. "I need a ride. That wizard put me in the wrong place."
(EEEE!!! Oh, this is gonna be an uncomfortable ride. Gtg I'll be back later tonight)
Fresh slumped on his bed. It was only 10:30am and already he hadn’t drifted off. “Oy. Nerd” a basketball slammed into his left ear, Fred moaned and sat up. His fuzzy vision showed the silhouette of his older brother Max, “mum wants to know why your glasses are cracked” Max continued. Fred froze, how was he going to explain that one? Fred stood “o-ok I’m coming” he took a deep rattling breath. He followed Max down the stairs. “Fred why are your glasses cracked?” His mother demanded “and don’t you dare spout off that crap about you not telling me”. Fred sighed “I um tripped” he exclaimed.
Cam watched the police officer speaking anxiously to a disbelieving audience. Even with the obvious stress of explaining the situation he was so clean and professional and in control compared to the teens surrounding him that looked like they’d been dropped there by a cyclone.
So... adult. He swooped in and saved them, causing their worries to melt away. Is there a certain age when one becomes an adult? When do you know how to keep everything under control? And pay taxes? Heck, I can’t even keep track of my socks half the time.
Kyle was obviously trying, but he didn’t cut an imposing figure even attempting to do something so elementary as climbing stairs.
But looking the part doesn’t make you an adult. It only makes everyone else think it. I’m sure we all make freshman mistakes sometimes.
Fresh slumped on his bed. It was only 10:30am and already he hadn’t drifted off. “Oy. Nerd” a basketball slammed into his left ear, Fred moaned and sat up. His fuzzy vision showed the silhouette of his older brother Max, “mum wants to know why your glasses are cracked” Max continued. Fred froze, how was he going to explain that one? Fred stood “o-ok I’m coming” he took a deep rattling breath. He followed Max down the stairs. “Fred why are your glasses cracked?” His mother demanded “and don’t you dare spout off that crap about you not telling me”. Fred sighed “I um tripped” he exclaimed.
Joel his 17 year old brother peered down “mum cut the kid some slack it’s not his fault he’s to clumsy to hold himself upright”. Fred glared at his oldest brother. He had 3 older brothers and 3 younger brothers.
It went:
“Fred I want an honest answer, where’s have you been?” His mother said shooting him a dark glare “please Fred. Just tell me.” Fred buried his face in his hands “I honestly can’t mum. You’d never believe me” he muttered. “Fred! You good-for-nothing child” his mother cried. Fred flinched. He turned running back up the stairs, he returned to his large desk. On it he had nothing except a few pens. All his notebooks and chemicals and flasks were tucked away in his draws. He locked the draws when he wasn’t there to prevent his brother so snooping. “Kids” his mother’s loud voice reached his ears, he poked his head out, “I’m taking James and Max to their friends houses tonight. I will be back about 9:00. I want Luka and Billy in bed by the time I get back. Joel your cooking dinner, I want everyone fed by the time I get home too and Fred’s you’re putting Luka and Billy to bed okay? Adrian you’re washing up tonight.” Without waiting for a reply Fred’s mother whisked herself, Max and James our the door. Fred shrugged. It was mainly Max and James who picked on him, the others kept to themselves more. Fred went back into his room and began to mix the chemicals together, it was going to take him years to master the feature changing potion. He heard Joel’s feet clomping down the stairs, but he didn’t care. He could tell he was on the verge of a breakthrough, Add a little More bicarbonate soda And now he had to test it, he spooned it into his mouth. All of a sudden a Orange moustache sprouted on his upper lip. Fred laughed. He couldn’t believe it, he’d finally done something right. After a minute it disintegrated, he couldn’t wait to contact Kipp and tell him. Now he just needed to figure out how to change his hair colour and how to switch it back. Fred touched his upper lip “wow, I actually did that and made it disappear”. Fred quickly scrambled for his new phone dialing Kipps phone, it rang for a few seconds.
Charlie was wandering around, trying to find somewhere where he could call his parents. If I could talk to Maya, she would cover for me, and I could just tell dad I forgot to tell him I was at her house.. Yeah, that would work, if I was closer. Should've been more specific to that mage guy. He thought miserably. Then, he squinted. He had spotted a winged boy. Could that be...? "Hey! Kipper!" Charlie shouted, running over. By the time he caught up, he was panting. "I need a ride. That wizard put me in the wrong place."
Kipp raised his eyes up from the car door he was holding open, to stare at the dark haired boy. He instantly recognized him as one of the people who he'd been zapped around the planet with, but couldn't for the life of him remember if they'd ever actually spoken, or what his name was. "Hi. Uhhhh..." He squinted at him trying to put a name to his face. "S-sure." He held the door open and waited for him to get into the back seat.
Joel his 17 year old brother peered down “mum cut the kid some slack it’s not his fault he’s to clumsy to hold himself upright”. Fred glared at his oldest brother. He had 3 older brothers and 3 younger brothers.
It went:
“Fred I want an honest answer, where’s have you been?” His mother said shooting him a dark glare “please Fred. Just tell me.” Fred buried his face in his hands “I honestly can’t mum. You’d never believe me” he muttered. “Fred! You good-for-nothing child” his mother cried. Fred flinched. He turned running back up the stairs, he returned to his large desk. On it he had nothing except a few pens. All his notebooks and chemicals and flasks were tucked away in his draws. He locked the draws when he wasn’t there to prevent his brother so snooping. “Kids” his mother’s loud voice reached his ears, he poked his head out, “I’m taking James and Max to their friends houses tonight. I will be back about 9:00. I want Luka and Billy in bed by the time I get back. Joel your cooking dinner, I want everyone fed by the time I get home too and Fred’s you’re putting Luka and Billy to bed okay? Adrian you’re washing up tonight.” Without waiting for a reply Fred’s mother whisked herself, Max and James our the door. Fred shrugged. It was mainly Max and James who picked on him, the others kept to themselves more. Fred went back into his room and began to mix the chemicals together, it was going to take him years to master the feature changing potion. He heard Joel’s feet clomping down the stairs, but he didn’t care. He could tell he was on the verge of a breakthrough, Add a little More bicarbonate soda And now he had to test it, he spooned it into his mouth. All of a sudden a Orange moustache sprouted on his upper lip. Fred laughed. He couldn’t believe it, he’d finally done something right. After a minute it disintegrated, he couldn’t wait to contact Kipp and tell him. Now he just needed to figure out how to change his hair colour and how to switch it back. Fred touched his upper lip “wow, I actually did that and made it disappear”. Fred quickly scrambled for his new phone dialing Kipps phone, it rang for a few seconds.
(Aww, Kipp doesn't have a cell phone the number Fred has is a home phone.)

"Hello?" An older gruff voiced man answered after a single ring.

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